History Questions & Answers for IAS Exam

UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams conducted in the country and the preparation for the same requires thorough preparation and deep knowledge of various subjects included in the IAS syllabus. History constitutes to be one of the most important subjects for both prelims and mains examination.

Aspirants looking for brief answers to clear their queries regarding the wide-ranging ancient, medieval and modern history questions have landed at the correct place. We, at BYJU’S, bring to you direct, brief and crisp answers to questions based on history topics for your IAS Exam preparation.

Given below is the list of questions and candidates can find their answers for a better and easy understanding of concepts, with a special focus on General Studies I paper for the mains examination.

The Royal Charter of 1600 was a royal order issued by Queen Elizabeth that incorporated and established the East India Company. The charter was...
The Indian Civil Services Act was passed in 1861 under the Viceroyalty of Lord Canning. It provided the reservation of certain principal posts...
The year 1919 was an important one in India as it was the year that the Rowlatt Act was passed. The passing of the act would lead to a chain of...
The hidden motive of the communal award is largely alluded to be the separation of the Muslim community from the Congress. That way the British...
The Communal Award was a series of elections awarded to the depressed classes and minorities. It was created by the British prime minister Ramsay...
Robert Clive is regarded as the founder of British rule in India. Starting his career as a clerk in the East India Company, he would rise through...
The Charter of 1661 is known as the Judicial Charter. The charter is considered to be an important landmark in the history of the legal system in...
Sir Lionel Curtis is known as the father of the Dyarchy. Dyarchy was a system of double government introduced by the Government of India Act...
Charles John Canning became the first viceroy of India in 1858. He became the viceroy after the transfer of power from the East India Company to...
The Indian Independence Act, 1947 ended British rule in India. The act also subsequent; partitioned British India into the two nations of India...
The Act of Settlement 1781 was an Amending Act which removed the shortcomings of the Regulating Act 1773. Passed by the British Parliament on 5th...
The main purpose of the Act of Settlement 1781 was to establish a system of courts to remove grievances against the Supreme Courts and mitigate...
The most stirring demand of Mahatma Gandhi can be the demand for the abolition of the salt tax. The salt-tax was introduced by the British to...
The Regulation III act, officially known as the Bengal State Prisoners Regulation III of 1818 was a law of preventive detention enchanted by the...
The Declaratory Act, 1781 is known as the Act of Settlement. The purpose of the act was to remove ambiguity regarding the provisions of the...
The Charter Act of 1813 ended the monopoly of the East India Company with the exception of tea and trade with China. As a result, Indian...
Wellesley opened a college in Fort WIlliam in order to give academic training to administrators newly arriving in India. In his view this would...
The Communal Award was rejected by Mahatma Gandhi in 1932 as he feared that the award would disintegrate Hindu society by creating racial divide...
Lord Minto is known as the father of the communal electorate. This was due to the introduction of the Indian Councils Act, 1909 which introduced...
The Communal Award was introduced by the Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald.  The reason why Macdonal introduced the award was because he...