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Name a river that does not drain into the Bay of Bengal.

  • The river Tapi does not drain into the Bay of Bengal.
  • Originating near the Multai in the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh, the Tapi river drains into the Arabian Sea through the Gulf of Cambay.
  • Also known as Tapti, the river flows through the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Madhyapradesh. It flows parallel to the Narmada river, and has a length of 724 km.
  • The river is bounded by Satpura ranges on the North, Mahadev hills on the East, Ajanta range on the South, and the Arabian sea on the West.
  • The Ukai Dam or the Vallabh Sagar dam, the second largest reservoir in Gujarat, is constructed across Tapi.
  • The important rivers that drain into the Bay of Bengal are the Ganges, Godavari, Kaveri, Brahmaputra, and Mahanadi.
  • The important tributaries of the Tapi are Suki, the Gomai, the Arunavati, the Vaghur, the Amravati, the Buray, the Panjhra, the Bori, the Girna, the Purna, the Mona, and the Sipna.
  • The West flowing rivers in Peninsular India are Narmada and Tapi.
  • Further Reading:

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