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The Chambal Canal Irrigation project is related to which basin?

  • The Chambal Canal Irrigation project is related to the Yamuna Basin.
  • Perennial in nature, the Chambal is a major tributary of the river Yamuna. It forms a part of the Gangetic drainage system and flows through the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
  • The Chambal Canal Irrigation project is a venture of the governments of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Started in 1954, the constructive project aims to maintain the quality of the ecosystem and control the soil erosion in the valley.
  • It is formulated for rational utilization of the water resources for 
    1. Irrigation
    2. Generation of Hydro-electricity
    3. Conservation of Soil
    4. Economic Development
    • The dams that are a part of the Chambal Canal Irrigation project are;

    Gandhi Sagar Dam, Rana Pratap Sagar Dam, Jawahar Sagar Dam and Kota Barrage.

    • The Chambal river Valley Development Project in 1951 was a part of the First Five-Year plan launched by the Government of India.

    Further Reading:

    Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

    Related Links:

    Inter State Water Disputes in India

    Major River Systems in India

    List of Major Dams in India

    Micro-Irrigation Fund

    Tipaimukh Project

    Koyna Dam


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