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What is the importance of special provisions?

The special provisions are incorporated into the Indian Constitution:

  • To meet the aspirations of the people of backward regions of the states or 
  • To protect the cultural and economic interests of the tribal people of the states or 
  • To deal with the disturbed law and order condition in some parts of the states or 
  • To protect the interests of the local people of the states. 

Articles 371 to 371-J in Part XXI which is entitled as ‘Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions’ contain special provisions for twelve states that include:

  1. Maharashtra
  2. Gujarat
  3. Nagaland
  4. Assam
  5. Manipur
  6. Andhra Pradesh
  7. Telangana 
  8. Sikkim
  9. Mizoram
  10. Arunachal Pradesh
  11. Goa
  12. Karnataka

Originally, the constitution did not make any special provisions for these states. They have been incorporated by the various subsequent amendments made in the context of reorganisation of the states or conferment of statehood on the Union Territories. 

Further Reading:

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