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What is the main cause of climate change in India?

The main causes of climate change in India are as follows:

  • An increase of greenhouse gases like Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), and Ozone (O3) in the atmosphere
  • Deforestation to develop human settlements
  • Excessive usage of fossil fuels
  • Increasing agricultural activities, changes in land-use patterns, and other sources lead to rising levels of methane and nitrous oxide
  • Release of greenhouse gases through vehicular emissions

Further Reading:

Related Links
Environment and Ecology Notes for UPSC Environment and Ecology Questions UPSC Mains GS-3
Climate Change in India – UPSC Notes Chlorofluorocarbons
Environment and Ecology Questions for IAS Prelims IAS Prelims – Environment UPSC MCQ


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