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What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?

  • Persian was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans.
  • Tarikh and Tawarikh,sources of information on Delhi Sultans, were written in Persian. It was also the language for administration.
  • Turkish rulers who ascended the throne of Delhi made the Persian language popular.
  • Most of the literary works of that period were written in Persian. As more Indians became familiarized with the language, many of these works were centered on Indian themes.
  • The importance of other languages like Sanskrit diminished under the popularity of Persian.
  • Persian literature increased in popularity with the writings of Amir Khusrau. He was one of the first writers to write in Persian on events related to Indian context.
  • Another important ruler who made significant contributions to Persian literature was Ziauddin Barani through his literary works like Tarikh-I Firozshahi and Fatwa-I Jahandari.
  • There were also several translations into the Persian language from other vernacular languages.
  • Further reading:

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