• Coorg in Karnataka is known as the Scotland of India.
  • It is also known as Kodagu, and is famous for its exquisite climate, hill ranges, and coffee plantations.
  • It resembles Scotland in terms of climate, terrain, architecture, and waterfalls.
  • It is surrounded by the Brahmagiri ranges of Western Ghats and located 3500 ft above sea level.
  • Abbey waterfall is the most famous waterfall of Madikeri in Coorg.
  • Shillong is known as the Scotland of the East. It means “The Abode of Clouds”.

Further reading:

Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

Related Links:

Longitudinal Division of the Himalayas

Government Exams

Mountain passes of India

Evergreen Forests

NCERT Geography Notes

Rainfall in India


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