Essay on Agriculture


Agriculture is the most common practice in India, where people engage in farming crops for their livelihood. Through this essay on agriculture, we can educate children about its significance and teach them that agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy. We will also see how the agricultural sector has changed over the recent years in this agriculture essay in English.

The agriculture in India essay will give a sneak peek into the world of farming. Children will be able to learn how farmers ensure to keep our economy stable by producing different yields. Agriculture has existed in India for a long time, but now, the use of modern equipment and technology has given it a new meaning. Through agriculture essay topics, we will be able to better comprehend this field, and children will be inspired to write a short essay on the topic.

essay about agriculture

Importance of Agriculture

The essay on agriculture begins by highlighting its importance. Not many children know where exactly the food we eat comes from. Surely, they know that their parents bought the vegetables and cereals from the market and cooked them. But are they aware of how these goods are produced? The agriculture in India essay will delve into these aspects and make it easy for children to understand.

Farmers work day and night to produce food, and we are indebted to them for their efforts as they ensure our sustenance. Along with employing many labourers for farming and rearing, the agricultural sector is a major contributor to the national income of the country by exporting commodities like tea, coffee, spices, vegetables etc. Moreover, agriculture plays a significant role in the economic development of the nation as people depend on it for food and livelihood. Hence, it is best to enlighten them about agriculture through this agriculture essay in English.

Negative Impacts of Agriculture

Though we say that agriculture is a boon to the economy, some of the agriculture essay topics will point out that it causes harm to both the environment and the people involved. Since it requires large areas for cultivating crops, trees are cut down, and forests are cleared to make space for agricultural activities. Besides, farmers utilise water from rivers and ponds for irrigation, and this will lead to the fast drying of water resources.

Further, the essay on agriculture discusses that agriculture creates a negative impact on people as well. As there is excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers to protect the crops from damage, this will affect the people who intake the produce. Along with causing many health issues, the use of chemicals leads to the depletion of the topsoil and pollution of groundwater.

We can conclude the agriculture in India essay by saying that we must be wary of its pros and cons though agriculture has given so much to society and the nation. We must incorporate innovative technologies in agriculture to ease the processes, and at the same time, we should limit the damage done to the environment. Through this agriculture essay in English, we can inspire children to spread awareness about the negative effects of agriculture on people and the environment. For more useful and informative essays for kids, check out BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the importance of the essay on agriculture?

The essay on agriculture will make children aware of the meaning and significance of agriculture. Children will be able to understand how agriculture is an important occupation in India and ensures our survival.


How can children write an essay on agriculture?

Children can refer to the sample agriculture essay provided by BYJU’S to write their essay on the topic. As the essay is written in simple language, children will be able to easily follow it and thus write an essay on it.


What are the negative sides of agriculture?

Agriculture causes deforestation and soil pollution as forests are cleared for cultivation. Fertilisers and chemicals are used to protect crops from insects, which leads to the depletion of the soil. It also results in various health issues when people intake food.