Essay on Olympic Games

Essay on Olympic Games


Olympics is not an unfamiliar term among children. But they might not know the significance of the Olympic Games and the reason for their popularity. The Olympics present the mesmerising world of sports and the extreme talents of athletes. This essay on Olympic Games will be ideal for teaching its history, importance and other relevant facts to children.

Here, in this short essay on Olympic Games, we will see its history. The Olympic Games have their origin in ancient Greece, and now, it is the most prominent sports competition that is held every four years. Many athletes from different countries of the world compete in different events to showcase their abilities. The winners are given the Olympic gold medal, which is a symbol of great pride for every nation. Through the essay on Olympic Games in English, we will learn about the Olympic rings and Olympic torch, which captures the true essence of the Olympic Games.

Importance of Olympic Symbols

The Olympic Games were held for the first time in Athens in Greece in 1896. It was initiated to bring out the athletic talents of people as well as to promote world peace and show that unity is strength by bringing together athletes from different countries. This event includes both individual and team sports and is conducted once every four years at different locations. The summer and winter Olympics happen alternately every two years. We will also understand the meaning of the Olympic flag in this essay on Olympic Games.

The Olympic flag has a logo of 5 interconnected rings of colours blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The colours of the ring were chosen so because every country had at least one of these colours on their flag. The 5 rings denote 5 major continents of the world, and their interconnectedness shows that the world can work together in the mission to bring peace through this international sports competition.

Further, we can teach the meaning of the Olympic torch to children with the help of this short essay on Olympic Games. The Olympic torch/flame is lit a few months before the start of the Olympic Games in Greece, and this flame is carried to the host city through a torch relay. The carrying of the flame by people spreads the message of friendship and peace. The Games begin with the final runner lighting the cauldron with the Olympic flame during the opening ceremony.

Olympic Games

In this part of the essay on Olympic Games in English, we will see how athletes participate in the games and are honoured with medals when they win. Many sports and games like athletics, basketball, archery, gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, fencing, football, skateboarding, tennis, wrestling, weightlifting etc., are conducted during the Olympic Games. The athletes and players must initially clear a qualifying round by showing their skills and hard work before participating in the Olympic Games.

People watch the Games on television and see how the representatives of each nation are performing. The winners receive the gold, silver and bronze medals depending on their positions in their respective games. Besides, the national anthem of that particular country will be played when they are given the medals.

This short essay on Olympic Games will be helpful for children to understand the relevance of the Olympic Games. You can present your kids with more beautiful essays from our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on


Why are the Olympic Games held?

The Olympic Games are a symbol of national pride and unity, and it is held every four years to uphold world peace and develop brotherhood between nations.


How are participants selected for the Olympic Games?

Athletes and players endure years of hard work and dedication to participate in the Olympic Games. They train rigorously and present their abilities during a qualifying round, after which they will be chosen for the Olympic Games.


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