Essay on Outdoor Games


Children love playing outdoors. It is good for children to stretch their arms and legs instead of sitting in front of the television all day. Through this essay on outdoor games, we will understand the importance of playing outdoors for children.

Outdoor games mainly refer to those games which we play outside in the open air. Since it is played outside, several factors like weather and time must be taken into consideration. It is not possible to play outdoor games when it is raining heavily or when it gets dark as children may fall sick or injure themselves. In this short essay on outdoor games, we will look at the benefits and types of outdoor games so that it will be effortless for children to write an essay on outdoor games in English.

Essay on Outdoor Games

Benefits of Outdoor Games

Just like the way children get to warm up themselves by playing outdoors, there are many advantages associated with outdoor games. We will discuss them here in this essay on outdoor games. The greatest benefit is to their physical health. While playing outdoors, they will be exposed to sunlight which is a rich source of vitamin D. This naturally improves their stamina and strengthens their bones and muscles.

As much as outdoor games help children to stay physically fit, they also keep them emotionally happy, free from tension or stress. We don’t have to worry about their lifestyle as outdoor games are meant to keep all problems at bay. This short essay on outdoor games also emphasises that outdoor games and activities help in the overall development of children. Along with learning to work in a team, these games build confidence in them.

Besides, outdoor games are a way for them to connect with their surroundings and nature, which will enable them to be conscious of protecting our environment. So, let us make our children admire the beauty of nature and help them attain mental peace and happiness through outdoor games.

Varieties of Outdoor Games

Any game or activity done in a group outside a house or in a large playground can be considered an outdoor game. The essay on outdoor games in English will discuss some of the favoured outdoor games of children.

Cricket, Badminton, Football, Marco Polo, Kabaddi, and Catch the Thief are widely played by children of all ages. These games keep them refreshed and relaxed, and they will be able to better focus and retain what they have learnt in class. So, let us make them aware of the significance of outdoor games through this essay on outdoor games. In this way, they will be able to write a simple paragraph about my favourite game.

By making them play outdoor games, we can develop their personality. For more such essays for kids, visit our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Outdoor Games


What is the importance of outdoor games?

Outdoor games are essential for the holistic growth of our children. They must make it a routine to engage in outdoor activities and games to build their physical stamina and keep their minds stress-free.


How will this essay on outdoor games be useful for children?

With the help of this essay, children will be able to understand the different types of outdoor games and the benefits of playing them. This will also help them to write an essay on the topic.


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