Essay on Reuse


What would you do with an empty water bottle? Would you buy a new bottle of water or refill the bottle? If you have the practice of throwing away the used bottle and buying a new one, this essay on reuse will enlighten you about the importance of reusing materials to reduce pollution in the environment.

As humans, we have the habit of discarding things once we are done with them. We believe that we must buy a new pen if the ink dries out or dispose of plastic containers after we eat the food from them. But these actions will result in serious repercussions on the environment, and this is why we must reuse things even if their actual purpose has been met. Through this short essay on reuse in English, we can understand how reusing materials will help combat pollution.

Essay on Reuse

Ways to Reuse Materials

Reuse is the most important element of the three R’s, and it plays a significant role in maintaining the balance of the environment. In this short essay on reuse, we will see different ways to reuse materials and reduce the harm done to our surroundings.

When we receive gifts, we are in a hurry to tear the wrapping paper and see what is inside. In the process, we toss the paper in the dustbin. This wrapping paper can be saved for later use when we plan to gift someone instead of throwing it away. We can also use old newspapers or magazines for wrapping gifts, and in this way, we can reuse materials.

Further, the essay on reuse in English talks about how we can reuse water, clothes and books. If your children happen to enjoy their pool time, we can use this water after their use to water our plants and garden. Also, we can donate our used books and outgrown clothes to donation centres or our friends and families so that they can reuse them until they wear out.

We get plastic containers when we buy food from outside. Immediately after its use, we tend to clear out these containers. But you can wash and keep them so that you can use these containers to buy food the next time. We can also turn plastic bottles into beautiful pots for planting. The essay on reuse will be useful for students to adopt such practices in their life.

Benefits of Reusing

Reusing is the most efficient way to control environmental pollution as there would be a lesser dependency on natural resources for creating new products or materials. The short essay on reuse emphasises that reusing is the best alternative to waste management, and we will be able to limit pollution by air, water and land.

Moreover, by reusing, we will be able to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and thus prevent the damage to Earth from global warming and climate change. In this way, we can ensure that the environment will be suitable for future generations to live comfortably.

The essay on reuse in English concludes with an important point to remember: we must start reusing materials to prevent any harm to our environment and ensure our survival. Children will also be motivated to contribute to this cause. For more exciting essays, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is meant by reuse?

Reuse is an appropriate waste management practice where we use something again even though its original purpose has been met. By reusing, we are finding new ways to use things instead of throwing them away.


Is reusing and recycling the same?

Both recycling and reusing are part of controlling pollution, but they are not the same. If reusing is using things again, recycling is the breaking down of used materials to make raw materials for manufacturing new products.


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