Essay Rainwater Harvesting

Essay Rainwater Harvesting


We often tell our children that water is precious and that we must not waste it. But have you wondered how many gallons of water are wasted during the rains? We get torrential downpours in the rainy season, and this water is washed away without finding any actual purpose. Through the essay rainwater harvesting, we can teach children the importance and benefits of preserving rainwater.

Though it is true that rains nourish plants and trees and help in their growth, it is disturbing to note how much rainwater is run through the drains. Rainwater harvesting is a method of collecting and storing rainwater to use for later purposes. This method of conserving water is highly beneficial considering the situation of water scarcity that we are facing today. The following essay on rainwater harvesting PDF will briefly discuss it, and children will be able to easily write a short essay on rainwater harvesting.

Importance of Rainwater Harvesting

Water scarcity is the greatest concern now, and it is even assumed that the next war will be fought for water. Hence, it is vital to preserve the water we get through the rain as it is essential for our sustenance. With the help of this essay on rainwater harvesting PDF, we will be able to understand the significance of rainwater harvesting.

Rainwater harvesting is a simple and the most economical way of water conservation. We find it difficult to meet our daily water needs if we rely only on surface water. Besides, most of the water we get is polluted, which adds to the problem of water scarcity. By harvesting rainwater, we can ensure that water will be at our hand’s reach to meet our demands.

The short essay on rainwater harvesting points out that the excessive use of groundwater by people leads to its shortage. Deforestation and urbanisation are also contributing factors to this problem. Hence, there must be an alternative solution to maintain the level of groundwater. Rainwater is the purest form of water, and it can be utilised for several purposes. Rainwater harvesting also prevents the logging of water on roads and soil erosion. Thus, the essay rainwater harvesting emphasises that rainwater harvesting is the best alternative to conserve water.

Methods of Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a feasible and simple method that anyone can practise. In this part of the essay rainwater harvesting, we will see different methods of harvesting rainwater. We will also discuss surface runoff harvesting and rooftop rainwater harvesting methods in this short essay on rainwater harvesting.

In surface runoff harvesting, we collect the water that is runoff from the surface by making a pathway to a big storage tank. The water collected from roads, parks and gardens can be stored for a long period in large amounts, which can be later used for cooking or drinking after filtering properly. For rooftop harvesting, the roof of a house or building acts as a rainwater collecting and storage unit. The roof is fitted with pipes that collect rainwater and direct it to a tank. Instead of letting the rainwater fall on the ground, this method is convenient for conserving water.

Children will be able to realise the importance of rainwater harvesting through this short essay on rainwater harvesting. You can easily download the essay on rainwater harvesting PDF from our website. Apart from the essay rainwater harvesting, we have a lot more interesting content for kids learning.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the purpose of rainwater harvesting?

As the country is facing water scarcity, we must prevent the wastage of water and preserve it. Rainwater harvesting is a simple technique to conserve water that does not cost us anything.


How can we harvest rainwater?

We can harvest rainwater either through surface runoff or rooftop harvesting, in which rainwater is collected in a tank, which is then filtered to remove impurities and further use for various purposes.


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