Presenting the most fantastic fairy tales stories for kids of all times. The phrase “Fairy Tales” brings happiness and excitement to the heart of every kid. In fact, even adults love to read fairy tales stories.
Everyone likes landing in a world that has amusing creatures and fantastic characters with a mystical plot. People wish to escape into an imaginary place that is far away from the harsh realities of life. Fairy tales stories in English give everyone exactly that.
Resources: Fairy Tales Stories for Kids
To engage your kid, we offer you the best of fairy tales stories for kids which you can download and read out to your little one while spending quality time with him/her. Children’s fairy tales are liked both by kids and adults alike. Here is a list of the most famous short fairy tales for kids of all times.
These short fairy tales for kids are fruitful in many ways. Have a look at their benefits as furnished below:
What are the Benefits of Children’s Fairy Tales?
1. Imparts Values
Like most of the stories for kids, children’s fairy tales stories also offer some morals and values to young minds.
2. Builds Psychological Comprehension
Through the imaginative plot and characters, fairy tales for kids build better psychological understanding.
3. Boosts Imagination
As the plot and characters are imaginative, short fairy tales for kids let them come up with their own creative versions of the fairies, pixies, and other characters of the plot.
4. Enhances Vocabulary
As fairy tale stories in English need to be read or heard by kids, they refine the vocabulary of kids. The more they read, the newer words they absorb.
5. Fuels Positivity
Fairy tales stories fuel positivity in kids through their storylines. It makes children believe that everything is possible.
6. Instils Interest in Reading
Reading is proven to be one of the best ways to enhance your linguistic skills. The more kids get to read or listen to short fairy tales for kids, the more they would want to. Inculcating a habit of reading in kids is very crucial. Fairy tales stories are enjoyed by every kid. This develops a habit of reading, and that’s what we want, isn’t it?
We have an enormous pool of such exciting stories for kids which you can download and read out to your kid. Trust us, he/she will love to listen to these amazing stories. Given below are the different types of stories for kids offered by BYJU’S:
Fascinating Panchatantra Stories | Classic Bedtime Stories |
Inspirational Moral Stories |
Kids Education is always a major concern for parents. As a parent, you would also wish to help your kid in his/her formative years of education. To assist you with that, we have lots of awesome resources for your little one. Visit the BYJU’S website and explore all of them with just a few clicks of your fingers!