National Animal Tiger Essay


The national animal tiger essay is a writing competition in all schools. It bridges the gap between writing and reading comprehension. Essay on our national animal tiger is an article that gives information on tigers and their importance in maintaining the Earth’s ecosystems. The essay has many informative sections, such as tiger conservation and some interesting facts.

A tiger is quite territorial and will often cause issues if introduced into a new environment. They may also attack humans significantly if they are raised in captivity. The national animal tiger is also known by other names, such as the Bengal tiger and the Royal Bengal tiger.

Tigers are part of the Indian pride and are a national symbol. The tiger was chosen to be the national animal because it had been recorded that these animals were known to carry very high status. This has continued throughout history, and the tiger was exported to many other countries around the world during the British rule in India.

Tigers are the largest of all cats and are elusive creatures. It is known for its ability to leap, swim, and spring. It also has many other features like a long tail with black stripes and an orange coat. Tigers are also found in Nepal, where they have been considered sacred animals.


Tigers live in tropical forests and grasslands. They also live in some mountains and swamplands. Tigers are threatened by habitat loss, poaching and conflict with humans. Tigers live in different parts of Asia, primarily in India. Besides India, tigers are also seen in China, Thailand, Sumatra islands in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Russia.

About 3,900 tigers are living in the wild today. When tigers are young, they live with their mothers in a cave or another secluded area. Once they grow up, they spend most of their time hunting for food.

Importance of Tigers

Tigers are regarded as apex predators, and for a good reason, tiger hunting is at the top of the food chain. Not only do they have a strong sense of self-preservation and a potent physical presence, but they also take care of their young ones until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Tigers are an essential part of the world’s ecosystems. If they disappear, it could destabilise the ecosystem, and the lives on the planet would not be able to sustain.

They are the most accurate commentators on nature, and they have an unparalleled understanding of it. Tigers live in an ecosystem where there is always some sort of competition.

Tigers are unique, giant cats; they are called ‘king of the jungle’ due to their size, predatory skills and power. Tigers are predators because they hunt and kill other animals for food. Deer, which live in herds, are common prey for tigers.

The Lifespan of a Tiger

Tigers are a part of nature and have a vital role in the ecosystem. They live for 8-10 years and are very adaptable, expressing themselves through more than 20 body patterns. Every habitat has its tiger population, which is vital because the tigers help to ensure that their species thrive.

Need for Conservation of Tiger

The need for the conservation of tigers is important since they play a major role in the ecosystems and help regulate their environment. Tigers are also important for tourism because they are one of the main attractions that draw people to regions that don’t have other attractions.

The population of the tiger has been declining due to poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict. Despite conservation laws and programmes, the number of tigers continues to decline. Conservation efforts can help by reintroducing tigers into areas that have been previously fenced off or otherwise restricted for their protection.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should we conserve the national animal tiger?

Tigers are elusive animals, and by spreading awareness of what is happening to the environment, we can save them to keep them around. Tigers are an endangered species, and they need our help in conserving them. If we don’t conserve them soon, they will be extinct.


Why should a Class 3 child be given BYJU’S national animal tiger essay?

A Class 3 child must be provided with BYJU’S national animal tiger essay because it bridges the gap between writing and reading comprehension. Moreover, kids understand that the tiger is the national animal of India, and it is an integral part of Indian cultural heritage. It is also the largest cat in the world. However, there have been significant threats to its existence, including poaching and loss of habitat due to deforestation.