Online Classes Essay


Modern technology is revolutionising the way education is delivered. More and more universities and schools have started adopting online learning as a regular part of their academic activities due to many advantages. This transition was speeded up since the Covid-19 pandemic brought education to a standstill across the world. In this essay let us explore the different aspects regarding online education.

Online Classes

We are familiar with traditional learning, which involves schools, classrooms, teachers and students. The learning that happens online with the help of the internet is referred to as online education. Also, teachers need not be physically present with them. With the help of a computer or smartphone, students can learn from the comfort of their homes. In this online classes essay in English, we will understand how the pandemic has affected the educational sector and online learning has benefited children.

Benefits of Online Classes

We might know that some students have to travel long distances to reach their schools and the time required for them to study is mostly lost in travelling. Online education addresses this serious drawback by bringing education to where students are rather than forcing them to come to school. Even if children are in a different state or country due to some reason, they don’t have to be worried about missing any classes. Based on their convenience and time, children can schedule their classes online. We will further see its impact in this short essay on online classes.

With the launch of online classes, children will have less dependency on books and photocopies, as notes and assignments are shared online. Besides, teachers find it easy to teach them online through informative videos and images. Children will be able to grasp the concepts more effectively through visual learning. Children can also connect with teachers regularly and better understand the subjects. Thus, online classes ensure that children get a quality education without worrying about time and place.

Just like a coin has two sides, there are also positive and negative effects of online classes. But, the advantages outweigh limited interactions, and this is why online classes have a huge impact in this period. By overcoming the limitations, online classes can reach a wider audience, and it has the potential to bring about a change in the education system. Like this short essay on online classes, you can find numerous essays, stories, poems, worksheets and GK questions for your children on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Online Classes Essay


What are the main disadvantages of online classes?

Online classes cannot be possible in areas where there is poor internet connectivity, and children do not have access to laptops or computers. While the interaction between students becomes minimal, online classes also pose the threat of increased screen time, thus affecting the children badly.


Are online classes effective in children?

Online classes are found to be effective and useful for children, as they can plan their studies based on their convenience and time. They will also be able to better balance academics and other activities finely through online classes, which makes them more creative and intuitive.


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