Save Electricity Drawing for Kids

It is the need of the hour to save electricity, and we need to be aware of our energy use. We can track our energy use daily or weekly using an energy-saving app or website that shows us how much energy we use and how much energy we could save. It is essential for the little ones to understand the importance of saving electricity. Hence, engage them in practising BYJU’S ideas on save electricity drawing for kids. Drawing and colouring can be a fun and educational way to learn how to save electricity. By creating pictures and illustrations, we can help them understand how to save on energy costs by reducing the amount of light and other electronic equipment used in our homes.

Electricity is something we take for granted every day. If kids don’t have time to track their energy usage, try setting smaller goals like turning off lights when they leave a room, unplugging electronics when they are not in use, and choosing less expensive appliances. They can participate in initiatives such as solar power programmes, which give people incentives to switch to solar power. Besides, asking little ones to draw save electricity illustrations is one of the best ways to help them understand its importance.

List of Free Downloadable Easy Drawing of Save Electricity for Kids

Here is a list of BYJU’S ideas on drawing of save electricity for kids.

Drawing the Save Electricity Picture

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Colouring the Save Electricity Drawing

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Tips on How to Draw Save Electricity for Kids

It is always best to conserve electricity because it helps conserve our environment and save money. Here are some easy tips on how to draw save electricity for kids:

  1. Firstly, let kids sketch the illustrations they wish to represent in their save electricity drawing.
  2. They can add an image of turning off unnecessary lights and appliances when they are not using them.
  3. Representing the significance of solar energy in the drawings helps kids understand the importance of saving electricity.
  4. Kids can draw an image of the LED bulbs. These bulbs are power-saving appliances.
  5. When kids draw save electricity images, they can focus more on the usage of natural sources of energy, namely, solar, wind, hydroelectric etc.

Tips for Saving Electricity

Did you know that if everyone in the world saved 10 per cent of their electricity consumption, it would save enough energy to power more than 3 million homes for a year? When we save an additional 1 per cent of the electricity consumption, it could power nearly 6 million homes. It is important to remember that these are conservative estimates; if we saved even more electricity, our country would be able to power even more homes. It is crucial to conserve electricity by using less energy and reducing energy consumption. Here are a few tips on how to save electricity:

  • Install LED Light Bulbs: LED bulbs use less energy and last longer than conventional bulbs. They can also improve the home’s appearance because they have a cooler colour temperature than traditional ones.
  • Turn Off Unnecessary Lights: This is probably the most important tip, and it must be followed. Turn off all bedroom lights at night. Bright lights are usually the most electricity-consuming appliances in the morning and evening.
  • Use Fans and Air Conditioning Less: When it is hot outside, open windows in the house instead of air conditioning. Don’t forget those ceiling fans; use them to circulate air during the summertime rather than relying on an air conditioner. Fans can be used sparingly; turn them on only when it starts to get hot outside and keep the settings low.

To conclude, colouring and drawing can be beneficial for kids’ mental health. It can also help children improve focus and cognitive skills. Kids who colour and draw have decreased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Save electricity drawing for kids helps them beware of excessive usage of electricity and its adverse effects on the planet. By drawing save electricity images, little ones understand the importance of saving electricity and help their friends to follow the same. For more kids’ learning activities, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can we save electricity through drawing and colouring activities?

Drawing and colouring activities can help to save electricity in many ways. Kids can sit outdoors to draw and colour, which allows them to save electricity. When children draw and colour, they use less energy than when they watch television or play video games.


When was electricity invented?

Electricity was invented in 1752.


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