
PHP Full Form

The full form of PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor. It was abbreviated previously as Personal Home Page. It is a programming language widely used to... View Article

SDM Full Form

The full form of SDM is Sub Divisional Magistrate. Subdivisions are formed by dividing districts. The subdivision is controlled by the SDM, an... View Article

SOP Full Form

The full form of SOP is Standard Operating Procedure. SOP is a collection of stepwise guidelines or directions gathered by an organization to... View Article

PS Full Form

The full form of PS is Postscript. PS is a further thought that was incorporated into a document or letter after writing and signing the document... View Article

RAW Full Form

The full form of RAW is the Research and Analysis Wing. RAW is India's main international intelligence agency. After the Indo-China War in 1962... View Article

CPR Full Form

The full form of CPR is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. In CPR, Cardio refers to the heart, Pulmonary refers to the lungs, and Resuscitation... View Article

PFMS Full Form

The full form of PFMS is the Public Financial Management System. PFMS was previously called CPSMS (Central Plan Schemes Monitoring System). It is... View Article

B.Tech Full Form

The full form of B.Tech is Bachelor of technology. B. Tech is an undergraduate engineering degree awarded in many countries such as India,... View Article

GSM Full Form

The full form of GSM is the Global System for Mobile Communication. GSM established by the ETSI (EuropeanTelecommunication Standards Institute)... View Article

WWW Full Form

The full form of WWW is the World Wide Web. WWW is also called a Web and it is a catalogue of an order of all websites connected to the worldwide... View Article

B.Ed Full Form

The full form of B.Ed is the Bachelor of Education.B. Ed is an undergraduate educational degree course for learners wishing to pursue their... View Article

BSC Full Form

The full form of a B.Sc is a Bachelor of Science. B.Sc is a three-year science and technology undergraduate course. After passing the exam in the... View Article