SEBI Full Form

What is the full form of SEBI?

The full form of SEBI is Securities and Exchange Board of India. SEBI is a statutory regulatory authority which oversees the Indian capital markets. By implementing specific laws and regulations, it controls and regulates the stock market, and it safeguards investor interests.

SEBI was established on 12 April 1992 underneath the 1992 SEBI Act. SEBI Headquarter is located in Mumbai, India, it has regional offices across prominent Indian cities in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad along with other local regional offices.

Objectives of SEBI

The main objective of SEBI is

  • Ensuring that the Indian capital market operates systematically and providing investors with a transparent investment climate.
  • The main reason for establishing SEBI was to avoid capital market fraud in India and to encourage capital market growth.

SEBI Structure

SEBI has a hierarchical structure like any business organization and consists of various departments led by their respective supervisors. Below is a list of some of SEBI ‘s departments:

  • Information Technology
  • Office of International Affairs
  • National Institute of Securities Market
  • Foreign Portfolio Investors and Custodians
  • Human Resources Department
  • Foreign Portfolio Investors and Custodians
  • Commodity and Derivative Market Regulation Department

SEBI members

In addition to department heads, the senior management of SEBI is composed of a board of directors hired as follows

  1. The Union Government of India hires one chairman and five members
  2. The Indian Union Finance Ministry employs two members
  3. RBI (Reserve Bank of India) recruits a single member to the SEBI organization.

SEBI Functions

SEBI meets the needs of three parties productive in the Indian Capital Market. Stated below are these three participants.

  1. Secures the Interests of Investors and Traders
  2. Issuers of the Securities
  3. Intermediaries of Finance

SEBI Powers

SEBI ‘s power and functions are set out in the SEBI Act,1992. SEBI has three powers which are listed below

  • Quasi judicial: Rulings and instructions passed.
  • Quasi executive: performing enforcement and investigations.
  • Quasi legislative: Rules of Procedure.


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