Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene


Do your children run straight from the playground to have food without washing their hands? Is watching cartoons the first thing they do in the morning before brushing their teeth? These are simple instances from our daily life which signify the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. This essay on cleanliness and hygiene will focus on its importance and discuss tips to keep ourselves clean.

As the proverb goes, cleanliness is next to godliness; maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a good habit that we must nurture in our children from an early age. They may feel that washing their hands or taking a bath is a humongous task. But if taught at the right age about the significance of cleanliness and hygiene, they will grow up to be responsible individuals. Let us make our children realise the value of maintaining proper hygiene through this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English.

Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene

Importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene

We know that there are lots of germs and bacteria around us. They thrive in unhygienic conditions, so we should observe cleanliness every time. In this essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will be focusing on why it is crucial to maintain personal hygiene.

If children touch or eat food with their dirty hands, germs will enter their bodies and cause various illnesses. Similarly, it would not be pleasant for others if we stand or sit near them with sweat dripping from our bodies and giving off a foul smell. By keeping ourselves clean and maintaining proper hygiene, we will be able to stay away from diseases.

Along with safeguarding our health and wellbeing, cleanliness and hygiene will ensure we stay refreshed and relaxed throughout the day. After a tiring day at school or work, a quick shower will bring your energy back. It is wise to start practising cleanliness and hygiene at a young age so that this habit will stay with you forever.

Moreover, this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English emphasises that cleanliness and hygiene must be exercised at home and in our surroundings. By regularly tidying our homes and collecting the litter in the environment, we can keep our surroundings neat and thus prevent the spread of diseases. People will look at us with respect if we are clean and hygienic, and it will also make us feel rejuvenated.

Ways to Ensure Cleanliness and Hygiene

In this essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will see different ways to follow hygiene at the personal level and in our homes and surroundings. Maintaining hygiene is a simple task, so let us teach our children some golden rules of cleanliness and hygiene through this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English.

Washing our hands before and after eating, bathing regularly, cutting our long nails, cleaning our clothes and hair, and brushing our teeth twice a day are some of the ways to look after our personal hygiene. Also, try to eat healthy food and drink clean water. We must also keep our homes neat by dusting and mopping all the rooms and windows. Clothes and other things on shelves must be neatly arranged, and the carpets must be vacuum cleaned frequently.

Next, in the essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will see how we can keep our environment clean. Try not to throw away the waste or litter on the road while travelling and remember to put it in the dustbin. Through these simple measures, we can ensure to keep ourselves clean and healthy. Let us make our children follow such healthy habits with the help of some amazing essays from BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is it important to maintain cleanliness?

It is necessary to keep ourselves clean because it will keep us away from germs and diseases. Moreover, practising personal hygiene will improve the quality of our life.


How can we maintain cleanliness and hygiene?

Cleanliness and hygiene can be practised both at the personal level and in our surroundings. By bathing, washing hands and cleaning clothes, as well as not littering our surroundings, we can maintain cleanliness and hygiene.


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