Essay on Junk Food


Junk food is a term used to describe highly processed and refined food. It is generally considered less nutritious than natural foods. Junk food has been associated with obesity and causing serious health issues in children, along with the development of diseases such as diabetes. Junk food is not suitable for anyone. It is filled with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients that can cause diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Junk foods are also loaded with sodium, which is dangerous for people suffering from hypertension. Sometimes the calories in a junk food item can be deceiving because they will seem to satisfy hunger; instead, it fills our stomach and makes it harder to stop eating. BYJU’S essay on junk food in schools is a great tool to help the little ones understand the disadvantages of junk food.

Junk food is famous for being inexpensive processed food. The term is often used to insult unhealthy, unbalanced foods that contain high amounts of sugar, fat, and calories. Junk food usually contains added chemicals that can cause an imbalance in our bodies. Junk food also tends to be full of empty calories. Eating junk food regularly leads to weight gain, putting people at a higher risk of developing severe diseases. Now, let us learn from BYJU’S short essay on avoid junk food by understanding the harms caused by eating junk food.

Why Should We Avoid Junk Food?

Now, let us understand the demerits of junk food by reading BYJU’S effects of junk food on health essay. Junk food is not suitable for our bodies as it contains a lot of processed sugars, leading to weight gain. It also affects brain function, causing slower reaction times and memory loss. Many people are trying to be more aware of junk food, so they choose healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables instead of unhealthy treats.

Besides the health issues, junk food can also be addicting. It contains high sugar levels, which can cause diabetes, and it is often filled with preservatives, artificial colours, flavours and other unhealthy additives. Junk food also has a high-calorie content and is usually made with processed ingredients that don’t provide many nutrients.

Junk food is a term that comes to mind when thinking about food that is high in calories and low in nutrients. It is not a good choice as it is something you have to avoid because of its detrimental effects on health. Junk food has been linked to many health issues such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and others. What starts as an innocent distraction from stress could become daily chaos for many people. However, healthy food is rich in nutrients and wholesome, unlike junk food.

Having junk food occasionally is not bad, but consuming it every day is bad for health. Healthy food might taste bland, but it’s good for your health. For more essays, worksheets, and other kids learning activities, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is junk food bad?

Junk food is bad for a number of reasons, such as high levels of salt, sugar and fat. These ingredients make junk food taste good, but they make us unhealthy. Overeating these foods can cause obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health conditions.


How to avoid junk food?

There are many ways to avoid junk food, but the most critical step is knowing your portion sizes. When hungry, stick with whole grains like brown rice and quinoa and fill up on vegetables instead of chips or other high-carb snacks.


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