Essay on Recycling

Essay on Recycling


Children will be familiar with the activity of ‘Best out of Waste’ they do in school. For this activity, they are asked to create a new item from the given waste materials. We will be awestruck to witness the creation of beautiful lamps, pen holders, decorative items, vases, and much more from plastic or other waste materials. This activity can be marked as the first step to educating children about recycling. Further, this essay on recycling will delve deep into the topic to make them understand its importance.

Recycling is an effective method to convert waste materials into usable products or items. Some non-biodegradable materials like plastic are added up to the pile of wastes that pollute the environment. Hence, they are recycled to reduce their increased usage. Through this short essay on recycling in English, we can teach our children about the advantages of recycling.

Importance of Recycling

It is a common practice to buy plastic water bottles while travelling. We usually throw them out after their use and buy another one. Can you imagine how much such waste we are adding daily? Besides, since plastic cannot be decomposed easily, they stay on the land for many years, harming the environment. The importance of recycling begins here, and we will see its benefits in this short essay on recycling.

Recycling helps in reducing the waste on the planet, thus saving it. Moreover, we will be able to create new materials from the waste material, which can be used accordingly. The recycled materials are further sold, and they are also used in the manufacture of new products. By recycling waste materials, we are saving our natural resources and protecting the environment.

The essay on recycling in English further motivates young children to practise recycling in their homes. Instead of throwing away plastic, glass, and paper, we can encourage them to create something out of them. In this way, we can fuel their creativity as well as make them aware of the damage that we are doing to the environment. Thus, the essay on recycling emphasises that recycling waste materials is a significant step to contributing to a greener Earth.

Recycling Waste Materials

In this part of the short essay on recycling, we will see how different waste materials are recycled. The most common waste materials recycled are paper, plastic, glass, and metals. Each of them has different properties; hence they are recycled in different ways. The essay on recycling in English will discuss the process of recycling briefly.

Paper is recycled by breaking it down into small pieces and dissolving it in water. After filtering the ink out by adding chemicals, it is turned into mush, which is later converted into a new paper. Plastic is widely used by all, and it is recycled by breaking it into pieces and then melting and recasting it. We use different grades of plastic, and each of them undergoes a distinct recycling process. Glass is also recycled in a similar way to that of plastic. Further, metals are crushed into bits, which then undergo the process of melting and remoulding.

With the help of this essay on recycling, children will be able to know more about the process. Through this, they will be inspired to take a step to save environment and protect its natural resources. For more information about the benefits of writing essays for kids, visit our official website.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is recycling necessary?

Recycling is necessary to reduce the waste accumulated on land, which otherwise could lead to the emission of greenhouse gases and cause pollution in the environment.


What are the benefits of recycling?

Recycling ensures that there is a minimal amount of waste generated, and it helps in preserving natural resources. Recycling also saves energy and prevents pollution of the environment.


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