Land Pollution Essay


How many of you have tossed away the candy wrapper or bus ticket on the road? Wouldn’t you roll down your windows to throw the skin of fruits while travelling in a car? Land pollution begins with such small acts, but the price we will have to pay is huge. Through this land pollution essay, let us make our children aware of the consequences that we will have to face due to land pollution. We can also guide them to take necessary measures through this short essay on land pollution in English.

Land pollution is a serious problem that must be tackled immediately; otherwise, it could harm both humans and the environment. While human activities are the main cause of land pollution, there are also other natural causes for it, which we will discuss in this essay on land pollution in 200 words. Children can refer to the land pollution essay PDF to know more about the issue.

Causes of Land Pollution

The land pollution essay begins by highlighting the main reasons for pollution. The major proportion of land pollution is caused by household and agricultural waste. Since there is no proper segregation between dry and wet, and biodegradable and nonbiodegradable, all the wastes end up buried, which slowly makes our land polluted.

The short essay on land pollution in English will not be complete if we do not discuss deforestation as its main cause. Due to this activity, the top fertile layer of soil is washed away, thus hindering the growth of plants and trees. Mining is another cause of pollution as it results in the collapse of land due to extensive mining.

Apart from these, there are many nuclear wastes dumped on the land, which are harmful to all living beings. Besides, the use of harmful chemicals and fertilisers results in land pollution. As much as it is dangerous to the food crop, the land will also lose its natural properties due to the excessive use of harmful pesticides. With these points, children can easily write an essay on land pollution of 200 words.

Ways to Reduce Land Pollution

Although the people and organisations are striving to control pollution, the land pollution essay emphasises that each of us must contribute to it in our ways. If we are a bit careful about dumping our wastes, we can limit land pollution to a great extent. Here, in this short essay on land pollution in English, we will see some of the most effective ways to prevent pollution and thus protect the environment.

Our efforts can start with using biodegradable products instead of plastic and glass so that it will be easy to discard them without causing any harm to the land. Along with taking a vow to buy pesticide-free fruits and vegetables, we can also grow an organic garden on our terrace or backyard so that we can enjoy tasty and healthy food. In this way, farmers will be forced to avoid the use of fertilisers. We will also be contributing less to pollution as we will be able to reduce our dependence on polythene bags or plastic covers to carry the goods from the market if we grow them in our garden.

While the causes of land pollution can be many, it is clear from the land pollution essay PDF that our conscious efforts can make a big difference to this problem. Thus, we can make our children become sensible individuals through such amazing essays from BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Land Pollution Essay


What are the main pollutants of land?

The main pollutants of land include agricultural and household wastes, nuclear wastes, mining, pesticides and chemicals. Even the issues of growing population, urbanisation and deforestation also indirectly cause land pollution.


How can we reduce land pollution?

We can control land pollution by using biodegradable products, avoiding the use of plastic, separating household wastes, and giving up the use of pesticides and fertilisers on farm produce.


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