Largest Producer of Manganese in India

Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer of manganese in India. Currently, India is one of the major importers of manganese ore. This article will briefly throw light on the largest producers of manganese in India and the uses of manganese.

Manganese-producing States in India

Apart from Madhya Pradesh, the other manganese-producing states in India are Maharashtra, Odisha, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, etc.

  • In 2019-20, Madhya Pradesh accounted for around 33% of the total manganese production in India.
  • In 2019-20, Maharashtra accounted for around 25% of the total manganese production in India.
  • In 2019-20, Odisha accounted for around 18% of the total manganese production in India.
  • In 2019-20, the contribution of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to manganese production was around 11% each.

In 2019-20, the total value of manganese produced in India was Rs. 1942 crores.

Some of the most well-known producers of manganese ore in India are listed below:

  • Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL)
  • Tata Steel Ltd.
  • Sandur Manganese & Iron Ores Ltd.

Location of Manganese Ores in India

  • In Madhya Pradesh, manganese ore is found in Balaghat, Chhindwara and Jhabua districts.
  • In Maharashtra, manganese ore is found in Nagpur and Bhandara districts.
  • In Odisha, manganese ore is found in Sundargarh, Koraput, and Ganjam districts.

Manganese – Uses

  • Manganese is used in rifle barrels, railway tracks, safes, and prison bars.
  • Manganese is used in the production of steel.
  • Manganese is used in the production of a variety of important alloys and to deoxidise steel and desulfurise.
  • Manganese is used in dry-cell batteries.
  • Manganese is used as a black-brown pigment in paint.
  • Manganese is also used as a catalyst to decolourise glass
  • Manganese sulfate is used to make a fungicide and other pesticides

Related Links

Mineral Resources – Examples of Minerals, Types, Characteristics & Uses with Videos of Mineral resources CBSE Notes Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 – Minerals and Energy Resources
Common Minerals with Definition & Examples Manganese – Uses, Physical and Chemical Properties of Manganese

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Which state is the largest producer of manganese in India?

As of 2018-19, Madhya Pradesh is the largest producer of manganese in India.

Which country is the largest producer of manganese in the world?

South Africa is the largest producer of manganese in the world.

Which is the largest manganese mine in India?

The Balaghat Mines in Madhya Pradesh is the largest manganese ore mine in India. It is also the deepest manganese ore mine in Asia.

Where is manganese found in India?

Manganese ore is found in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, etc.

Which state is the largest producer of uranium in India?

Andhra Pradesh is the largest producer of uranium in India. One of the largest uranium reserves in the world is found in the Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh.