
FDDI Full Form

The Full Form of FDDI is Fibre Distributed Data Interface. FDDI is a set of data transference methods meeting the ANSI and ISO standards. This... View Article

ESN Full Form

The full form of ESN is Electronic Serial Number. An ESN is a unique identification number that the manufacturers embed on a microchip used in... View Article

EPROM Full Form

The full form of EPROM is Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. EPROM is a type of PROM (programmable read-only memory) chip that can hold its... View Article

DTD Full Form

The Full Form of DTD is Document Type Definition. Are you aware of the tags and attributes employed on an HTML or XML document? These markup... View Article

DRAM Full Form

The Full Form of DRAM is Dynamic Random Access Memory. DRAM is a random access memory of a semiconductor that holds every bit of information... View Article

DQL Full Form

The full form of DQL is Data Query Language. DQL is a part of the grouping involved in SQL (Structures Query Language) sub-languages. The SQL sub... View Article

DML Full Form

The Full Form of DML is Data Manipulation Language. Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a programming language, also a category of SQL,... View Article

DHCP Full Form

The full form of DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network management protocol. It is... View Article

DES Full Form

The full form of DES is Data Encryption Standard. DES is a cryptographic symmetric-key algorithm that encrypts digital data. Even though the... View Article

DDR Full Form

The full form of DDR is Double Data Rate. DDR is a technique in computing in which the computer bus transfers data on both falling and rising... View Article

DDoS Full Form

The full form of DDoS is Distributed-Denial-of-Service. DDoS is a type of cyber attack. It is a DoS attack subset- known to be one of the most... View Article

DBA Full Form

The Full Form Of DBA is Database Administrator The Database administrator in a database management system is an individual responsible for... View Article

CTR Full Form

The full form of CTR is Click-Through Rate. CTR is a metric for measuring the total number of clicks that an advertiser receives on their posted... View Article

CSMA / CD Full Form

The Full Form of CSMA/CD Full Form is Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection. CSMA/CD is a MAC protocol that is widely utilised with... View Article

CIDR Full Form

The Full Form of CIDR is Classless Inter-Domain Routing. An IP address assigning method, CIDR, is made use of to enhance the efficiency of the... View Article

CDI Full Form

The full form of CDI is Customer Data Integration. CDI has another full form and its - Capacitor Discharge Ignition. CDI (Capacitor Discharge... View Article

BLOB Full Form

The full form of BLOB is Binary Large Object. BLOB is basically a collection/ chunk of binary data stored in the form of a single entity in a DB... View Article

AWT Full Form

The Full Form Of AWT is Abstract Window Toolkit. The Abstract Window Toolkit is a platform-dependent API used to develop GUI (Graphical User... View Article


The Full Form Of ARPANET is an Advanced Research Projects Agency NET. The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) is considered as a... View Article