MCQs on Planning

Planning centres around accomplishing objectives. Organisations are set up with a universal purpose of making profits and running for a long duration of time in view. Planning makes these objectives explicit and states activities that are to be embraced to accomplish these objectives. Planning is an essential capacity, and it sets out the base for all functions of management.

Below is a list of multiple-choice questions and answers on Planning to help students understand the topic better.

1. _______ describes one of the concepts, that is crucial for the smooth running of an organisation. Name that concept.

a) Planning

b) Management

c) None of the options are correct

d) Coordination

Answer: A

2. In which step of the planning process, the best and most feasible plan will be chosen to be implemented.

a) Selecting an alternative

b) Evaluating alternative course of action

c) Setting up objective

d) Developing Premises

Answer: A

3. In which step of the planning process pros and cons of each alternative is examined.

a) Developing Premises

b) Setting up Objective

c) Evaluating alternatives course of action

d) Selecting an alternative premises

Answer: C

4. Planning is the ______.

a) Primary/First function of the manager

b) Both a) and d)

c) None of the options are correct

d)The last function of the manager

Answer: A

5. Making assumptions for the future is called ______.

a) Making policy

b) All of the options are correct

c) Setting planning premises

d) Making derivative plans

Answer: C

6. The composite plan which involves setting up a long-term objective, finding a course of action, and allocation of resources is called _______.

a) Programme

b) Strategy

c) Procedure

d) Policy

Answer: B

7. The plan which includes objective, policy, procedure, and rule, is called ______.

a) Budget

b) All of the options are correct

c) Programme

d) Strategy

Answer: C

8. Standardised way in which a task has to be performed is called _____.

a) Procedure

b) Strategy

c) Policy

d) Method

Answer: D

9. The sequence of steps or actions to be taken to enforce a policy and attain a predetermined objective is called ______.

a) Policy

b) Strategy

c) Procedure

d) Objective

Answer: C

10. Organisations’ own customised way of handling problems or making decisions is called _____.

a) Budget

b) Policy

c) Rule

d) Strategy

Answer: B


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