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Kathak is the dance form of which state?

  • Kathak is a dance form that originated in Uttar Pradesh.
  • It is one of the six classical dance forms in India.
  • The name is said to have evolved from the ‘Kathikars’ or storytellers who told stories based on epics, myths, and legends.
  • Started as an oral tradition, it was influenced by Raslila, which developed in the Mathura region of Western Uttar Pradesh.
  • It is the only dance form in India that has links with the Muslim culture. It was performed during the Mughal period and used Persian-style costumes as well.
  • Kathak grew into prominence under Wajid Ali Khan, the last Nawab of Awadh. A stylized form of Kathak, known as Lucknow gharana evolved from his court.
  • It is a solo performance with intricate footwork and rhythmic patterns, performed in a straight-legged manner by the dancers.
  • Important Kathak dancers in India are Birju Maharaj, Sitara Devi, etc.
  • Kathak is accompanied by Hindustani music and is performed by male and female dancers.
  • The important components of the Kathak recital are:
  • Ananda, Thaat, Todas and Tudkas, Tarana, Kramalaya etc.
  • Further Reading:

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