Drawing images of unicorns is a cherished activity of kids. It is used by parents and teachers as an excellent technique to teach kids. Without getting distracted from the activity, they will enjoy learning. Drawing activities like this will help develop creative skills at an early age. Unicorn drawing will help them improve their concentration and prepare them to handle the pen and pencil properly.
Drawing and colouring activities can make kids’ learning more effective and engaging. Practising different images of unicorns will help kids understand the primary colours and colour combinations. There are multiple resources available on the internet for supporting teachers and parents to teach their children how to draw unicorn pictures. BYJU’S unicorn drawing for kids will help them understand the different shapes, colours, and types of unicorns present in the world. It also provides an opportunity for kids to learn to draw portraits using crayons, colour pencils, paintbrushes etc. They can also develop a basic idea about the mythical creatures and stories connected to such magical creatures.
Unicorns are fictional creatures. They can be portrayed in numerous ways. It is the freedom of individual artists to present their mental image of certain subjects in the form of art. The image of a unicorn varies from artist to artist. Rather than blindly asking them to follow conventions, ask kids to present their mental vision of the unicorn and let them design their discrete unicorns.
A List of Free Printable Unicorn Drawings for Kids
Unicorns are majestic, magical horses. Kids adore unicorns. They love to watch cartoons and hear stories of unicorns. For kids, unicorns are real, and they believe they will visit them one day. Kids love to draw images of unicorns and colour them. They enjoy the process as it is their favourite fictional figure. Activities like unicorn drawing for kids will educate and also entertain them. There are a lot of resources available to teach kids how to draw a unicorn. BYJU’S unicorn drawing for kids will help them learn varieties of patterns and colouring methods. Moreover, it strengthens their imaginative skills and drawing ability.
Drawing Unicorn
Colouring Unicorn
The Mesmerising Unicorn
A unicorn is a mythical animal that looks almost like a horse or a goat. It has a single horn on its forehead. Unicorns are depicted as good creatures with magical powers. They are strong animals which are typically presented as white in colour. But they can change colours and appear in any colour. They have blue eyes, and the colour of their hair is usually shades of blue, purple, green, yellow, and red. Different regions have different descriptions of unicorns. Winged unicorns, Siberian unicorns, sea unicorns, and Chinese unicorns are some of the popular types of unicorns. A unicorn is presented as a symbol of love, purity, innocence, freedom, and power.
The word ‘unicorn’ means ‘one-horn’. Stories and artistic works related to unicorns were popular in the middle ages in Europe. They are mentioned in the ancient Indian and Chinese myths. Images of unicorns are portrayed in the art of Mesopotamia as well. It is believed that an ancient Greek historian wrote one of the earliest reports of the unicorn, and according to his description, the unicorn’s horn has multiple supernatural powers. They are rarely found and very difficult to catch. It has the power to heal wounds, cure illness, and neutralise poison.
Some of the popular fictitious facts about unicorns are listed below.
- The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
- Unicorns do not have wings. When a unicorn is presented with wings, it is called ‘Pegasi’. According to Greek mythology, a pegasus is a winged divine horse.
- Unicorns love to eat rainbows.
- When two or more unicorns meet, they happily roam around the sky together for weeks.
- Unicorns absorb universal energy through their horns.
- According to mythical stories, if we touch a pure white unicorn, we will be happy throughout our lives.
- Just like a horse, a baby unicorn is called a ‘foal’. They are also called ‘sparkles’.
Kids can improve their talents by participating in drawing activities. Short stories and drawing activities introduce kids to a new world of art, from where they can collect numerous information and ideas. For more kids learning activities like worksheets, essays, poems, etc., visit BYJU’S website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do kids learn from BYJU’S unicorn drawing for kids activity?
BYJU’S unicorn drawing for kids will help them understand more about the mythical creature – unicorn. By engaging in the unicorn drawing activity, kids will start visualising such creatures and the mythological stories connected to them. Cute unicorn drawing for kids will also enhance their creativity and imagination.
Unicorn is the national animal of which country?
The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
What is a unicorn?
A unicorn is a mythical creature that looks almost like a horse with a single horn on its forehead. According to Greek mythology, unicorns are good creatures with magical powers to cure diseases, heal wounds, and neutralise toxins.