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Which is the largest inland water body in the world?

  • The largest inland water body in the World is the Caspian Sea.
  • With an area of 371000 square kilometres and a depth of 1,025 metres, it lies to the east of the Caucasus Mountains and west of the Steppe of Central Asia. It is also located 500 km to the east of the Black Sea.
  • .It is also the largest salt lake in the world. It has an endorheic basin, which is a drainage basin that does not let the outward flow of water.
  • The Volga river, Ural river, Kura river, and Terek river flow into the Caspian Sea. Volga river is the main feeder that contributes to 80% of the inflow.
  • It is surrounded by Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
  • The Caspian Sea has abundant sources of oil and natural gas reserves in the onshore and offshore fields of the Sea. There have been maritime disputes between the bordering nations concerned with the division of energy resources.
  • The Caspian Sea Agreement has been signed between Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan on arriving at a negotiation to divide energy resources without military involvement from other countries.
  • Further Reading:

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