Material Noun Worksheet

Before teaching students about material nouns, it is important that children have a basic understanding of nouns. A noun is one of the introductory chapters that is included in the primary class syllabus. The main reason why nouns are introduced to kids in their primary classes is to help them develop a basic understanding of nouns at a young age. Once they develop the basic knowledge about nouns, it allows them to understand the different types of nouns and identify them easily. You will find plenty of nouns worksheets at our BYJU’S website, which can be easily downloaded for practice.

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What is Material Noun?

How would you explain material nouns to a primary school student? In layman’s terms, material nouns are those nouns that denote names of substances/materials which are used to make things. For example, “My mom bought me a silver chain.” Here, silver is the material noun as it is used to make the chain. Material nouns are tangible in nature as they can be touched and felt. Most material nouns are uncountable in nature.

  • Material nouns from plants – food, oil, cotton, wood, rubber, coffee, tea etc.
  • Materials nouns from animals – wool, silk, leather, meat, honey etc.
  • Material nouns from nature – water, gold, sand, sunlight, air etc.

Rules for Material Noun?

There are some specific rules that need to be followed while solving material noun worksheets.

  • If the material noun is uncountable in nature, then no article (a/an/the) should be used. For example, “Honey is a natural sweetener”.
  • If the material noun is countable in nature, then articles such as a and an can be used with it. For example, “I had an egg for breakfast”.
  • Determiners like little, some, little, much, a little, any and others are used with material nouns. For example, “Ram had some rice for lunch”.
  • Since material nouns are generally uncountable in nature, they use singular verbs.

These are a few rules that will help students to understand how material nouns work. Also, knowing the rules will allow students to strengthen their conceptual understanding of material nouns. With the help of these rules, children can easily solve worksheets of material nouns. For more Kids Learning activities similar to Worksheets for Kids, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)


What are material nouns?

Material nouns are those nouns that denote names of substances/materials which are used to make things. For example, “The sweater is made of wool”.


Where to find material nouns worksheets?

If you are looking for material nouns worksheets, then you will find several worksheets of material nouns at our BYJU’S website. These worksheets are designed to help students to understand the basic rules of material nouns, which will help them in higher classes.


Can an article be used with material nouns?

If the material noun is uncountable in nature, then no article is needed, but if it is countable in nature, then articles like a or an can be used.

Related Links

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