The Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) provides authority for conducting examinations and providing assurances for quality education to all. The board was set up in 14 March 1962. The Secondary Education Commission made three reforms in the education system like alteration of the educational pattern, variation of secondary curriculum, changes in the examination system. SEBA Board provides education with special references for economically weaker and backward sections of the society, disabled children, girls, and other marginalized categories like SC, OBC, ST, EBM (Educationally Backward Minorities). The assessment of textbook as per medium of instruction is done by the Director of Secondary Education, Assam after consultation with the SEBA.
SEBA Board Class 7 Syllabus
Students of Class 7 should prepare in accordance to the syllabus prescribed by SEBA Board. SEBA Board Class 7 syllabus covers the entire course structure, distribution of marks for each unit, duration of period. The syllabus of Maths and Science provided in our BYJU’S website help students to get an idea about the concepts they will learn in their 7th standard. Students should refer to their syllabus while preparing for their exam.
SEBA Board Class 7 Books
Books are considered as a vital resource while preparing for exam. Textbooks of SEBA Board Class 7 covers all important topics and concepts which are necessary to study for exam. Students are advised to study from their respective subject textbook. To fetch more marks in their exam, students should be thorough with their textbook so that they can write final question paper with full confidence.
SEBA Board Class 7 Previous Year Question Papers
Previous year question papers of SEBA Board Class 7 give them an idea of the exact question paper pattern, marking scheme, important questions, etc. Students should practise these previous year question papers once they complete studying the syllabus of Maths and Science. It is one of the most valuable study material for students to revise the entire syllabus of SEBA Board Class 7.