Directing is regarded as the heart of the management process. Other functions like planning, organising and staffing cannot function properly without proper direction.

Directing is a high level management function that is concerned with providing direction to the goals of the organisation, from there it moves on to the lower levels in form of actions.

Direction exists as a management function as long as there is existence of the business. It is a continuous process.

It binds all the efforts done by the management in the form of organising and planning and brings together all of the organisation towards achieving the goals of the organisation.

Following are some of the points that show the importance of directing in the organisation:

1. Initiates Action: Directing is the starting point of action. It initiates action based on planning, organising and staffing. Action is initiated when the managers provide direction to their subordinates for carrying out the task. Therefore, the directing function provides a set of guidelines to the employees on how to start working towards achieving the goals of the organisation.

2. Integrates efforts of employees: The activities and works of the employees across an organisation are integrated towards achieving the objectives set by management. As all the activities of the organisation are integrated by directing, it leads to efficiency and effectiveness in the organisation.

3. Provide motivation: Directing acts as a source of motivation for the employees. It helps in motivating the employees in contributing their efforts for the realization of organisational objectives.

4. Accommodates changes: Directing helps in steering the organization towards success by accommodating the various changes in the business environment that can be brought about by changes in competitors, changing market conditions.

5. Maintaining balance: Directing brings about stability and balance in the organization which is essential for long term survival of the business. Balance and stability can be achieved by following a persuading leadership style coupled with effective communication, motivating employees and strictly supervising the work of employees and suggesting improvements.

6. Efficient use of resources: Directing provides individual roles to each employee. Therefore, the resources are utilised efficiently that leads to less wastage of resources, reduces duplication of efforts by maintaining a clear set of work for each employee.

It leads to best possible utilisation of resources of the organisation, which translates into growth of the organisation.

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This concludes our article on the topic of Importance of Directing, which is an important topic in Business Studies for Commerce students. For more such interesting articles, stay tuned to BYJU’S.

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