Kinematic Viscosity Formula


Viscosity is a concept where fluid shows struggle against a flowing, which is being distorted due to extensional stress forces or shear stress. Kinematic viscosity is the sort which is computed by calculating the ratio of the fluid mass density to the dynamic fluid, viscosity or absolute fluid viscosity. It is from time to time known as momentum diffusivity. The units of kinematic viscosity are established on time and area. It is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity to its density, a force independent quantity. It is the ratio of the area of time; henceforth it is m22/s or ft22/s.

The kinematic viscosity formula is expressed as,

ν = μ/ρ

Where μ= absolute or dynamic viscosity,

ρ = density

Solved Examples

Problem 1: A fluid with absolute viscosity of 0.98 Ns/m2 and kinematic viscosity of 3 m2/s. Determine the density of fluid?


Absolute viscosity μ = 0.98 Ns/m2

kinematic viscosity ν = 3 m2/s

ν = μ/ρ

The density is given by,

ρ = ν/μ

ρ = 3/(0.98)

ρ = 3.0612 kg/m3

Therefore, the density of a fluid is 3.0612 kg/m3.

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