Grass drawing for kids is one of the simplest learning exercises for kids. Since grass is very familiar to them, they can easily set a connection between the real grass and the image of the grass that they have to portray. Participating in a grass drawing activity offers a chance for them to boost their memory power and visualisation skills. Let us use this drawing exercise as a resource to mark the transformation of young talents into professionals.
There are numerous benefits that a child receives by participating in drawing and colouring exercises. Exercising grass drawing activities for kids will help them improve their cognitive and motor skills. It will support their hand-eye coordination and allows them to improve the quality and style of their handwriting. Moreover, it can also be used as one of the finest learning exercises to make them learn different shapes and introduce colours. Parents can easily download exercises like easy grass drawing for kids from the internet and boost their self-confidence to artistically portray who they are. BYJU’S grass drawing for kids is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to show the world who they are.
Grass Drawing Ideas for Kids
Since there are numerous varieties of grasses, the possibilities of depicting them artistically are endless. Kids can either opt for the application of a high level of drawing techniques like hatching, cross-hatching, scribbling, rendering, finger-blending etc., and make the image of the grass appear realistic or could use minimalistic artistic representations. If interested in drawing and want to bring detailing, then kids can add images of butterflies, insects, flowers, small plants, pebbles, etc., and make the picture more beautiful. As the grass drawing activity is one of the earliest drawing exercises for children, let us make it as simple as possible for them. Kids can use the support of the following patterns to practise tracing, drawing, and colouring images of grass.
Drawing Grass
Colouring Grass
How to Draw Grass for Kids?
The following guidelines are prepared with the pure intention of simplifying the process of drawing for kids. It is arranged in such a way that they can easily follow the step-by-step instructions. To reduce the complexity of the drawing, the tutorial has not included any difficult sketches, steps, or shapes. The only part that the young talents have to focus on is drawing curved lines at different angles.
- Before starting sketching, ask kids to develop a basic idea about the shape, size, angle, and structure of the grass that they are trying to portray.
- If required, use a reference image for drawing. Placing a picture to refer doesn’t mean that the exact duplicate of the picture has to be produced. Kids can apply their creativity and make their craft unique.
- Try to sketch the rough outline using a pencil. It will help kids to clear the errors, rework, and improve their precision.
- Start drawing grass by sketching the outline of the blades of grass. Draw it in different shapes and positions, but ensure that the grasses are arranged properly to resemble a lawn.
- Add details. Include as many blades as possible in the picture and make the picture a thick lawn of grass.
- Draw a horizontal starlight line below the blades of the grass and connect the ends to the grass.
- Fill the space between the horizontal line and the blades using a standard green colour. If willing, kids can use blending techniques and add shades of green colours to make the grass appear more realistic.
A grass drawing activity for kids can be considered a perfect task to stir up their interest in drawing and painting. The given easy grass drawing for kids will be a simple and interesting pastime activity for them. Along with entertainment, it will help kids to strengthen their general knowledge of drawing, painting, and grasses. You can find more exciting content like short stories, essays and poems for kids’ learning on BYJU’S website.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the use of BYJU’S grass drawing activity for kids?
BYJU’S grass drawing activity for kids will make them familiar with drawing minimalistic pictures of grass. Practising such exercises on a regular basis will help them boost their cognitive and motor skills. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to exhibit their talents in drawing.
Which is the accurate colour to fill the images of grasses while participating in the grass drawing activity?
Green is the most accurate colour to fill grass.
What are the items required to participate in grass drawing activities for kids?
Items like paper, pencil, eraser, marker and colour supplies are enough to draw an image of grass.