Difference between Host and Parasite

What is a Parasite?What is a host?Difference between Host and ParasiteFrequently Asked Questions

What is a Parasite?

A parasite mainly refers to an incredibly varied group of organisms, which survives either by living on, or by invading into, cells of another species.

The word parasite is derived from the Latin form of the Greek word ‘parasitos’, which refers to “one who eats at the table of another”. Barnacles, leeches, protozoa, bugs, fungi, fleas, viruses and tapeworms are a few examples of parasites.

Explore more: Parasite

What is a Host?

The term host mainly refers to a living organism that acts as a harbour for invading pathogenic organisms. The host also includes the living cells, tissue and any specialised organs of a living organism. The host can be humans, plants and animals.

The type of relationship between the host and the parasite can be defined as parasitism. Here, the parasite is benefited from the host resources – food and shelter. The harmed or infected organisms are called the host.

Explore more: Parasitism

Let’s learn the differences between host and parasite.

Difference between Host and Parasite

Host and Parasite – Comparisons

An organism that harbours parasites. An organism that obtains food, shelter and other resources from another organism.
Hosts are always larger in size compared to parasites. Parasites are always smaller in size compared to the host.
Biological Organisation
Hosts always have a higher organisation compared to parasites. Parasites have a lower organisation compared to hosts.
Types of Classification
Depending on their roles and stages in the development and existence of the parasites, hosts are further classified into different types. According to their localisation, ontogenesis and time span, parasites are further classified into different types.
Hosts can either be affected/harmed or mutually benefited. Parasites are always benefited by the hosts.

Also Refer: Difference between Predation and Parasitism.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are hosts and symbionts?

The host is a large organism that usually harbours a small organism which is considered to be a symbiont. The symbiont can be commensalistic, mutualistic or parasitic in nature.

What are the two types of hosts?

The two types of hosts are – primary and secondary hosts. The primary host is a definitive host or organism in which the parasite reaches the adult stage and reproduces sexually. The secondary or intermediate host harbours a sexually immature parasite for a short transition period.

This article concludes the introduction to hosts and parasites and their differences. Stay tuned to BYJU’S Biology to learn more about the parasites, parasitism, different modes of nutrition, and more similarities and differences between host and parasite.


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