Difference between Pitcher Plant and Venus Flytrap

Pitcher Plant

A pitcher plant is a type of carnivorous plant that grows in nutrient-deficient soil. It can carry photosynthesis, and it compensates for the nutrient deficiency by capturing insects. They have special leaf modifications that look like a pitcher (jar). It also has a cavity filled with digestive juices to digest the prey. It visually captures the prey with its bright anthocyanin pigment and with its nectar. The prey is degraded in its liquid cavity through enzymes or bacterial actions.

The pitcher plant mostly refers to the members of the Sarraceniaceae and Nepenthaceae families.

Venus Flytrap

It is also a carnivorous plant that mostly belongs to the California region. Its leaves have tiny ‘trigger hairs’ that help to capture arachnids and insects. The plant arises from a short stem and is seen as a rosette of leaves. The leaf blade has two regions – one carries photosynthesis and one helps in the capturing of prey. The edges of the prey capturing lobes secrete mucilage. Also, it has bright anthocyanin pigments. Thus, the plants are visually lured and are snapped using trigger hairs. The prey is broken down using digestive enzymes.

These plants are mostly seen in the nitrogen and phosphorus deficient soil. They belong to the family Droseraceae.

Difference between Pitcher Plant and Venus Flytrap

Pitcher Plant

Venus Flytrap

Pitcher plants are a rolled-leaf modification that looks like a pitcher. Most pitchers have a lid to cover their opening.

The venus flytrap arises from a short stem and is seen as a rosette of leaves. The terminal lobes of the leaves capture the prey.

Its leaf modifications are called pitfall traps, and it catches prey.

It has trigger hairs on the inner surface of the leaf to capture insects.

Digestion happens with the help of enzymes and bacterial actions.

It involves only digestive enzymes.

They mostly belong to the Sarraceniaceae and Nepenthaceae families.

They belong to the family Droseraceae.

Explore: Nutrition in Plants

Frequently Asked Questions


What are sundew plants?

Sundews are also carnivorous plants that belong to the family Droseraceae. They are herbaceous perennial plants that are closely related to the venus flytraps.


What are anthocyanins?

Anthocyanins are vacuolar pigments that can be blue, red, black or purple in colour. The colour varies according to pH. They occur in flowers and fruits of most higher plants. They may also be present in leaves, stems and roots. This pigment is observed in carnivorous plants like venus flytrap, pitcher plants and also seen in food crops like blueberry, black soybean, purple cauliflower, etc.

Also Read: Insectivorous Plants

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