Anatomy of Flowering Plants MCQs

The external morphology of large living entities depicts variations as well as similarities in their structures. Likewise, if viewed internally too, there are similarities as well as dissimilar properties. The chapter covers the internal structure and functional arrangement seen in higher plants. Plant anatomy involves the analysis of the internal structure of plants.

The chapter covers the following subtopics – tissues, tissue system, the anatomy of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants and secondary growth.

Important MCQs on Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Explore some important questions on this topic below.

1. Root hair develop from the region of

a) Maturation

b) Meristematic activity

c) Root cap

d) Elongation

2. Phloem in gymnosperms lacks

a) Sieve tubes only

b) Companion cells only

c) Albuminous cells and sieve cells

d) Both sieve tubes and companion cells

3. The main water-conducting elements of xylem in gymnosperms are

a) Tracheids

b) Fibers

c) Transfusion tissue

d) Vessels

4. Which of the following yields fibres?

a) Sisso

b) Teak

c) Oak

d) Coconut

5. In a ring girdled plant

a) The shoot dies first

b) The root dies first

c) Neither shoot nor root dies

d) The root and shoot die together

6. Casparian strips occur in

a) Cortex

b) Endodermis

c) Epidermis

d) Pericycle

7. Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack

a) Xylem vessels

b) Phloem fibres

c) Cambium

d) Thick-walled tracheids

8. Palisade parenchyma is absent in leaves of

a) Sorghum

b) Soybean

c) Gram

d) Mustard

9. Xylem translocates

a) Water, mineral salts, some organic nitrogen and hormones

b) Water, mineral salts and some organic nitrogen only

c) Water and mineral salts only

d) Water only

10. The common bottle cork is a product of

a) Xylem

b) Phellogen

c) Dermatogen

d) Vascular cambium

11. Which of these is composed of dead cells?

a) Xylem parenchyma

b) Phellem

c) Phloem

d) Collenchyma

12. Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in

a) Being lignified

b) Lacking nucleus

c) Being imperforate

d) Having Casparian strips

13. Organization of stem apex into corpus and tunica is determined mainly by

a) Rate of shoot tip-growth

b) Rate of cell growth

c) Regions of meristematic activity

d) Planes of cell division

14. Reduction in vascular tissue, mechanical tissue and cuticle is characteristic of

a) Xerophytes

b) Epiphytes

c) Mesophytes

d) Hydrophytes

15. At maturity, which of the following is enucleate?

a) Cortical cell

b) Companion cell

c) Sieve cell

d) Palisade cell

16. Transmission tissue is a distinguishing feature of

a) Hollow style

b) Solid style

c) Dry stigma

d) Wet stigma

17. Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the

a) Spore capsule of a moss

b) Mycelium of a green mould such as Aspergillus

c) Cytoplasm of Chlorella

d) Pollen tube of Pinus

18. Regeneration of damaged growing grass following grazing is largely due to

a) Intercalary meristem

b) Lateral meristem

c) Secondary meristem

d) Apical meristem

19. In a woody dicotyledonous tree, which of the following parts will mainly consist of primary tissues?

a) Shoot tips and root tips

b) Flowers, fruits and leaves

c) Root and stem

d) All parts

20. Companion cells are closely related to

a) Guard cells

b) Trichomes

c) Vessel elements

d) Sieve elements

Anatomy of Flowering Plants Answer Keys





















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