Difference between Origin and Insertion


The insertion and origin muscles are two different places where the bone is attached one at each end. Enthesis is the connective tissue between this attachment.

Origin is the proximal site that stays more stable and relatively fixed during muscle contraction. The head is a portion at the end of the origin muscle where it fixes to the bone. Some muscles (Biceps branchii) can have more than one head.


The insertion muscles are connections to the bone via tendons. It is the opposite site of origin and is attached to the more movable bone. Thus, this muscle is responsible for body movement. It is usually the distal end and has less mass.

Difference between Origin and Insertion



Origin is relatively the less movable end of the muscle/tendon that is attached to a bone.

Insertion is the more flexible end of the muscle that is usually attached to a bone via tendons.

It is the proximal end that is attached to the less movable bone.

It is the distal end that is attached to the more movable bone.

It has more muscle mass.

It has less muscle mass.

It doesn’t move during muscle contraction.

It moves with the muscle contraction.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are intrinsic and extrinsic muscles?

Intrinsic have their origin inside the body, and their actions are confined within that body part. In comparison, the extrinsic muscles originate from the outside part. For example, the intrinsic muscles of the tongue are not attached to the bone, and thus are used to change the tongue shape. Whereas the extrinsic are attached to the bone and are used to change the position of the tongue.


What are agonist and antagonist muscles?

Agonist muscles are prime movers that cause movement. Antagonist muscles produce an opposing action to the agonist muscles. Thus, they inhibit the movement.

Further Reading:

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