Difference between Right and Left Tympanic Membrane

Tympanic Membrane

The eardrum of human beings is called a tympanic membrane. It is a conical membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. This membrane is a thin structure that helps to transmit sound.

Typically, the tympanic membrane can be divided into four quadrants or regions – the anterosuperior, posterosuperior, anteroinferior and posteroinferior. The annular ring or the outer border of the tympanic membrane is made of stiffer cartilaginous tissue.

Right Tympanic Membrane

There is a visible phenomenon called the cone of light that is seen during the examination of the tympanic membrane. It is a conical-shaped light reflection that appears on the anteroinferior quadrant when checked with a device called an otoscope. This light reflection on the right tympanic membrane corresponds to the 4 o’clock to 5 o’clock direction.

Left Tympanic Membrane

The light reflex or the cone of light on the left tympanic membrane is positioned in the 7 o’clock to 8 o’clock direction. Also, the shape of the ear canal and the slope of the eardrum could be the reason for the absence of a cone of light as it does not essentially indicate a disorder.

Difference between Right and Left Tympanic Membrane

Right Tympanic Membrane

Left Tympanic Membrane

It is a thin conical membrane in the right ear
that separates the outer ear and the middle ear.
It is a thin conical membrane in the left ear that separates the outer ear and the middle ear.
The light reflex (cone of light) in the right eardrum is placed in the 4 o’clock to 5 o’clock direction. The light reflex (cone of light) in the left eardrum is placed in the 7 o’clock to 8 o’clock direction.

Explore: The Human Ear

Structure of an Ear

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the three regions of the mammalian ear?

In general, the three regions of the mammalian ear are the outer, middle and inner ear. The pinna and the ear canal makes the outer ear. Likewise, the middle portion consists of the ossicles and the tympanic cavity. The tympanic membrane is seen as a separation between the outer and middle ear. The inner ear has vital structures like the semicircular canals, saccule and the utricle.


What is tympanic membrane perforation?

Tympanic membrane perforation is nothing but a hole in the eardrum. It can be caused by trauma, infection or even noise pressure. This is also known as the perforated eardrum.


What is an oval window?

The oval window is an opening from the middle ear that leads to the inner ear (cochlea). This is a membrane-covered intersection.


Also see: Well-Labelled Diagram of Ear

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