Difference between Biofertilizers and Chemical fertilizers

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Fertilizers are food supplements for plants. In order to increase the soil’s fertility and improve the yield and the production of nutrient-rich crops, fertilizers are added to the soil. In general, these fertilizers can either be obtained naturally or artificially prepared for enhanced productivity of the yields.

These fertilizers are classified into bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers based on the composition and type of materials used.

What Is a Biofertilizer?

Biofertilizers mainly comprise plant remains, some unique species of microbes and other organic matter, which contain the essential nutrients required for the growth of the plants. Biofertilizers are environment-friendly, serve as a good source of nutrients, improve the soil texture, destroy disease-causing pathogenic components and also help to retain soil fertility.

Overall, biofertilizers serve as a good source of nutrients required for the benefit of plants to improve plant productivity and healthier crops.

Acetobacter and Rhizobium are two widely used bio-fertilizers.

Explore more: Biofertilizers

What Is a Chemical Fertilizer?

Chemical fertilizers or synthetic fertilizers are added to crops in order to enrich the soil with nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. This increase the fertility of the soil which leads to healthier, bigger and faster crops.

Explore more: Fertilizers

Both biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers are used as a source of nutrients to improve plant yield and destroy plant pathogens. Chemical fertilizers are extracted and refined, whereas biofertilizers are minimally processed.

Let’s learn the differences between biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers.

Biofertilizer and Chemical Fertilizer – Comparisons

Chemical Fertilizer
They are composed of natural materials that are extracted from animals, plants and vegetable waste materials. They are composed of non-organic and artificially cultivated elements.
Time of Action
Requires more time for the nutrients of these fertilizers to reach the plant. Work faster than organic fertilizers as they get immediately dissolved in water and supply nutrients to plants.
Type of Resources
Renewable source. Non-renewable source.
Shorter shelf life. Longer shelf life.
Soil Life
Makes the soil healthier and more fertile. Soil life will not be enriched or stimulated.
Soil Compaction
Biofertilizers ensure an airy soil structure. Chemical fertilizers lead to soil acidification.
Salt Content
Biofertilizers do not contain sodium salts. Chemical fertilizers are very salty.
Effect on the Environment
It is biodegradable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Repeated applications affect microbial ecosystems and the soil’s pH, a toxic buildup of chemicals in the soil.
Distribution of Nutrients
Have unequal distribution of essential nutrients. Have equal distribution of essential nutrients.
Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria
Supports the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Destroys the growth of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria as it contains high acid content.
NPK Ratio – Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Ratio
Very Low. High.
Cost of Fertilizers
It is more expensive compared to chemical fertilizers. It is less expensive compared to bio-fertilizers.
Equipment and Techniques
It is not required as the biofertilizers are prepared manually. Requires special techniques and equipment.
Manure, sewage sludge, vermicompost Ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate, ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium chloride and the like.

Also Refer: Difference between Fertilizer and Manure

This article concludes the introduction to biofertilizer and chemical fertiliser and their differences. Stay tuned to BYJU’S Biology to learn more in detail about the different types of fertilisers and their applications.

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