Difference between Callus and Plantlet

Calluses are unorganized cells in a plant, which grow as a defense to wound or cutting in plants, whereas plantlets are small plants, which sometimes serve as the mode of vegetative propagation in plants. This is the main difference between a callus and plantlet. Let us find out more.




It is a mass of unorganized parenchyma cells that cover a wound or cutting on a plant.

A plantlet is a small or young plant.


  • A callus growth can be initiated from an explant by supplying nutrients and regenerated to a whole new plant.
  • It helps in the micropropagation of plants.
  • It serves as a mode of asexual reproduction in plants like Kalanchoe and spider plants.
  • It acts as vegetative propagules for the plants.

Explore BYJU”S Biology to learn more.

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What is the difference between callus and tissue?

Callus is a mass of unorganized cells while tissues are a mass of organized cells.


Is callus a dedifferentiation?

Callus can be considered a dedifferentiation, only if it means differentiation of cells, which increases the proliferation and potency of the cells.


What is called callus?

Callus is an unorganized mass of tissue that covers wounds in plants. It often gives rise to new roots and shoots from their point of origin.


What is callus proliferation?

Callus proliferation is the process by which plant cells propagate on a suitable medium to give rise to a mass of unorganized cells.


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