Difference between Male and Female DNA

Male DNA

There are 23 pairs (46 chromosomes) of chromosomes in each cell. The last or the 23rd pair is called the allosome or sex chromosome. Most males have one X and one Y chromosome. Thus, the males have 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes and one pair of non-homologous chromosomes (XY). The Y chromosome of the males contains the sex-determining gene called the SRY gene.

Female DNA

The female DNA has a pair of X chromosomes. Thus, they have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. All these DNA materials are tightly packed in the cell nucleus. They do not have the SRY gene. SRY means sex-determining region Y, which is found only on the Y chromosome.

Sex determination

The sperm has either an X or a Y chromosome. It fuses with the ovum carrying the X chromosome. When the Y of the male fuses with X of the female, it produces a male progeny. Likewise, if the two X chromosomes fuse, it creates a female progeny.

Extended Reading: Sex Determination

Difference between Male and Female DNA

Male DNA

Female DNA

Males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

Females have two X chromosomes (XX).

The sperm carries an X or Y chromosome.

The ovum carries the X chromosome.

Males have 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

Females have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

Presence of SRY gene.

Absence of SRY gene.

Frequently Asked Questions on Difference between Male and Female DNA


What is a karyotype?

A set of chromosomes in a cell nucleus is called a karyotype. Karyotyping is done to determine the complete set of chromosomes. This discloses the shape, number and also size of the chromosome. When a karyotype has all metacentric chromosomes of the same size, then it is called a symmetrical karyotype. If the chromosomes are all of different shapes and sizes, it is an asymmetrical karyotype.


What is an idiogram?

An Idiogram is the diagrammatic depiction of a karyotype. This representation is easy to find regions within the chromosomes. It shows the location of genes as bands. They are also used to identify chromosomal abnormalities.


What is an autosome?

Any chromosome which is not an allosome or sex chromosome is called an autosome. Thus, both males and females have 22 pairs of autosomes. The DNA of these chromosomes are collectively termed as auDNA.

Also Read: Difference between Autosomes and Allosomes

Keep exploring BYJU’S Biology for more exciting topics.


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