
The sequence of morphogenetic events that restores the normal structure of an organ after its partial or total amputation is termed regeneration. There are two different types of regeneration:

  1. Morphallaxis.
  2. Epimorphosis.

Explore more: Morphallaxis

What is Epimorphosis?

The regeneration of the absent or disappeared, or disoriented tissues and organs through the process of dedifferentiation of existing tissues or organs are termed Epimorphosis or Epimorphic Regeneration.

For example, adult cells differentiate into a mass of cells and then re-differentiate into the new structure.

This type of regeneration is seen in both animals and plants. In some species, the epimorphosis process undergoes dedifferentiation to form a relatively undifferentiated mass of cells that redifferentiates to form the new structure.

For example, Regeneration of Planarian flatworm and the limbs of amphibians.

Epimorphosis is seen in both vertebrates and invertebrates.

An example of epimorphosis invertebrates are:

  • Regeneration of Limbs.
  • Regeneration of Lenses.
  • Regeneration of internal body organs.

An example of epimorphosis in invertebrates are:

  • Tail regeneration in both Reptilia and amphibians.

Explore more: Regeneration

This article concludes with an introduction to epimorphosis. To know more about epimorphosis, its types and other related topics and important questions, keep visiting our website at BYJU’S Biology.

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