MSBSHSE Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 6: Empowerment of Women and other Weaker Sections Textbook Questions and Solutions

Women had participated extensively in the freedom struggle. Women have also made important contributions in all fields in the post-independence period, too. That is what we will study in this chapter as also the laws enacted for women and other weaker sections. Access MSBSHSE Class 9 solutions of Social Science History Chapter 6 for free and solve the textbook questions. The solutions provide students with detailed explanations for all the questions covered in the textbook.

MSBSHSE Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 6 Objective Questions: Textbook Important Questions and Solutions

MSBSHSE Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 6 Textbook Exercise Questions

Q1. Complete the statements by choosing the proper option.

(1) In 1992, a movement against drinking alcohol was started in

(a) Maharashtra

(b) Gujarat

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Uttarakhand

(2) In 1975, the Government of India formed a Committee on the Status of Women under the chairmanship of

(a) Dr Phulrenu Guha

(b) Uma Bharati

(c) Vasundhara Raje

(d) Pramila Dandavate

Answer 1: (c) Andhra Pradesh

Answer 2: (a) Dr Phulrenu Guha

Q2. (B) Identify the wrong pair and rewrite the corrected one.

(1) Saudamini Rao – Stree-Mukti Andolan Samiti

(2) Vidya Bal – Nari Samata Manch

(3) Pramila Dandavate – Mahila Dakshata Samiti

(4) Jyoti Mhapsekar – Women’s Commission

Answer B: Jyoti Mhapsekar – Women’s Commission is the wrong pair because Jyoti Mhapsekar is associated with a street play called Mulgi Jhaali Ho.

Q3. Make a concept chart:

Laws related to women.


1952 Right to Alimony and share in father’s property
1961 Dowry Prohibition Act which made both giving and taking dowry a cognizable criminal offence.
1961 Maternity Benefit Act which gave women the right to get leave from work for child-birth
1984 Prohibition of Dowry Amendment Act was enacted to check deaths due to dowry
1993 Protection of Human Rights Act to mitigate injustice to women
1998 Sati Prevention Act enacted to curb the illegal act of Sati.

Q4. Explain the concepts:

(1) Alimony

(2) Minority

Answer 1: A fixed amount paid to a married woman for her upkeep by the husband who has divorced her, is called alimony. However, religious organisations protested vociferously against

the concept of alimony.

Answer 2: In any society, a group of people of a particular religion, language or race who are few in number are termed a minority.

Q5. Explain the following statements with reasons.

(1) The women’s liberation movement began.

(2) The Prohibition of Dowry (Amendment) Act was enacted in 1984.

(3) The practice of untouchability was banned by law.

(4) The Constitution gives cultural and educational rights to minorities.

Answer 1: In 1975, the government of India constituted the Committee on the Status of Women. A comprehensive survey was conducted of several issues such as the social position of women, their status, the consequences of the constitutional provisions made for women as also education of women and its percentage, their progress due to education, difficulties faced by working women, the position of women with respect to work/livelihood, their wages (relative to men’s wages), the female-male ratio, birth and mortality rates and the role of women. Taking into consideration this entire background, a State-wide conference for women was held in 1975 organised by the Stree-mukti Sangharsha Samiti.

Answer 2: Even after the enactment of the anti-dowry law, incidents related to women’s death continued to be reported. Investigations still revealed dowry to be the most frequent cause of such deaths. The role of the police, the administration and judiciary were highlighted. This created greater awareness. As a result, the Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act came into force in 1984. In 1988, 2209 women died victim to the dowry tradition. In 1990 the number of dowry deaths was 4835 and in 1993, it was 5377. These numbers will impress upon you the seriousness of the issue.

Answer 3: In the post independence period, our Constitution adopted the values of freedom, equality, fraternity and social justice. In accordance with this, the practice of untouchability was banned by law. Untouchability was removed by the 17th paragraph of the Constitution and this class was included in the Scheduled Castes. In view of the educational and social backwardness of these castes, they were given reservations in education as well as jobs to facilitate their development.

Answer 4: In any society, a group of people of a particular religion, language or race who are few in number are termed a minority. Minorities have the right to protect and conserve their language, culture and traditions. For this purpose they have the right to set up separate educational institutions. The government implements various schemes for their progress.

Q6. Answer the following questions in 25 to 30 words.

(1) Describe the Chipko movement.

(2) Write a note on the Protection of Human Rights Act.

Answer 1: The Chipko Movement started in 1973. Trees from the forests in the foothills of the Himalayas were to be cut down for commercial purposes. Chandiprasad Bhat and Sunderlal Bahuguna had started a movement to prevent this. Women followed the strategy of holding hands and encircling each tree. As their method consisted of protecting the tree by embracing it, the movement came to be known as the Chipko movement.

Answer 2: In 1993, the Protection of Human Rights Act was enacted to prevent injustice to men and women. The National Human Rights Commission was also formed for this purpose. In some states, the State Human Rights Commission was also formed on the same lines. This law which deals with collective oppression, the social conditions of divorced women, women and secure workplaces, played an effective role in mitigating injustices to women.

Q7. Answer the following question in detail.

Explain with examples of how the united strength of women can bring about constructive changes in various fields.

Answer: The united strength of women can bring about constructive changes in various fields. Some of the examples are:

The Chipko Movement – During the Chipko Movement women took a crucial role by holding hands and encircling each tree to prevent their chopping for commercial purposes.

Anti-liquor movement – In Andhra Pradesh, women came together to protest against rampant alcoholism and were supported by the State govt.

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Why are Maharashtra Board Solutions for Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 6 Empowerment of Women and Other Weaker Sections useful for students?

Social Science is a theory based subjects and these solutions give the required information to the students about the relevant topics from the past and the present. Referring to these Maharashtra Board Class 9 Social Science Solutions History Chapter 6 gives the students an advantage to answer the exam questions. So, this can be considered as a convenient tool for the students to prepare for the Class 9 Social Science.


How can the students utilize these Maharashtra Board Class 9 Social Science Solutions History Chapter 6?

Students can make use of these questions and grasp the best way of answering the questions. Moreover, the topics are easy to understand, thus making the students more capable of preparing for the upcoming exams by themselves.


Are these Maharashtra Board Class 9 Social Science Solutions History Chapter 6 downloadable?

Yes, students can download the PDF format of solutions from the link provided in the article. We have also made available the questions and solutions online directly on the webpage.


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