Maharashtra SSC Board (MSBSHSE) Question Paper for Class 10th Science Paper 2 2016 In PDF

MSBSHSE 10th Standard Science Part II Exam Question Papers 2016 with Solutions – Free Download

MSBSHSE (Maharashtra board) Class 10 Science Paper II 2016 Question Paper with solutions is available in PDF format below in this article, from where the students can prepare for the board exams. These Class 10 exam question papers will help the students to score well in the Science exams. Students can easily access the PDF formats of the solved or even unsolved question paper, as preferred, by just clicking on the specific links mentioned. Both the clickable links are listed below, in this article itself.

Students can master the various complex concepts and theorems of Science with the help of these solutions. These explain all the concepts thoroughly. Students can very easily ace the MSBSHSE Class 10 Science exam if they are very thorough with the various formulas and equations from Science. Students are advised to revise the subject by practising the previous papers of msbshse Class 10 Science. These solved question papers will give the students a general idea of the exam pattern. It will also help them to know about the different types of questions that were earlier asked in the exams. Students will also be able to gauge the difficulty level of the exams.

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Download MSBSHSESSC 2016 Science Part II Question Paper With Solutions

MSBSHSE Class 10 Science Paper II 2016 Question Paper with Solutions


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1. (A) Answer the following sub-questions : [5]

i. Fill in the blank and rewrite the completed statement :

_______ is the largest gland in the body.

Answer: i. Liver

ii. Find the odd one out and write it :

vagina, uterus, vas deferens, ovary

Answer: ii. Vas deferens

Vas deferens is part of a male reproductive system, while vagina, uterus and ovary are all part of women’s reproductive systems.

iii. State whether the statement is true or false :

Aquatic animals breathe at a slower rate than the terrestrial animals.

Answer: False

Breathing of aquatic animals is faster than that of terrestrial animals.

iv. Considering the relationship in the first pair, complete the second pair :

rr : Homozygous : : Rr : _______.

Answer: Heterozygous

v. Name the following:

Main ore of aluminium

Answer: Bauxite (Al2O3.2H2O) is the main ore of aluminium

(B) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the following: [5]

i. _______ is liberated when acetic acid reacts with sodium metal.

(A) Hydrogen

(B) Chlorine

(C) Oxygen

(D) Nitrogen

Answer: (A) Hydrogen

ii. For binary fission, Amoeba requires _______ parent cells.

(A) Three

(B) Two

(C) One

(D) Zero

Answer: (C) One

In Amoeba, asexual reproduction occurs with the help of binary fission. During this, one parent cell divides into two equal or nearly equal parts, each of which grows into an individual.

iii. A solution of CuSO4 in water is _______ in colour.

(A) Pink

(B) Blue

(C) Colourless

(D) Green

Answer: (B) Blue

iv. Raisins are formed by drying grapes. The process that takes place during formation of raisins from grapes is ________.

(A) Absorption

(B) Osmosis

(C) Diffusion

(D) Dehydration

Answer: (D) Dehydration

v. Ethanoic acid has a _______ odour.

(A) rotten eggs

(B) pungent

(C) vinegar-like

(D) mild

Answer: (B) pungent

2. Answer the following questions (any five): [10]

i. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary movements.

Answer: Voluntary actions occur as per our will and are caused by cerebrum but controlled by the cerebellum. These actions under the control of the central and peripheral nervous system happen when required and can be controlled. Some of the examples include eating, walking, reading and so on. Meanwhile, involuntary movements do not happen according to our will and are caused by medulla oblongata and some parts of the midbrain. These actions under the control of the autonomic nervous system happen continuously without any control. Examples given are Digestion, heartbeat, breathing and so.

ii. What is the peculiarity of the ‘DNA’ structure?

Answer: Learn more about the peculiarity of DNA structure from here.

iii. Draw a well-labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower.


msbshse class 10 science II section 2 Question iii Solution

iv. Give scientific reason : Roots of plants grow away from light

Answer: In response to the stimulus of gravity and water, the root system of the plants always grows downwards, thus ensuring that the roots find the soil and water. This confirms that the roots of plants grow away from the light.

v. Write any two measures to conserve water.

Answer: Given here are some measures to conserve water:

  • Close the taps when not in use
  • Fix the tap and pipe leakages
  • Harvest rainwater and recycle used water
  • Make people are aware about the importance of water conservation
  • Restrain the use of equipments that use up more water

vi. What are fossils?

Answer: The preserved remains and traces of plants, animals and other organisms from the remote past are known as fossils. These are collected from different levels or depths of the soil structure. Study of fossils reveals the structure, age, evolutionary process as well as the significance of other organisms. So, we can say that fossils can actually serve as paleontological evidence.

3. Answer the following questions (any five): [15]

i. What is an alloy? Give two examples with their chemical composition.

Answer: A homogeneous mixture of two or more metals or even of one or more metal with certain non-metallic elements is called Alloy. Some of the examples of alloys include Duralumin, which is a mixture of Aluminium, Copper, Magnesium and Manganese. Brass is another example which consists of Copper and Zinc.

ii. How is sex determined in human beings?

Answer: Human diploid cell consists of 23 pairs (46) of chromosomes, out of which 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair is the sex chromosomes. These are the X and Y chromosomes. Every child or human being gets one set of chromosomes from each parent. Human male, thus will have 44 + XY chromosome, while the human female will have the 44 + XX chromosome. So, females can be said to be homogametic while males are heterogametic. However, during gamete formation, meiosis or reduction process occurs, so that the gamete gets only one set of chromosomes and so it is haploid. Here, the female gamete (ovum) will be 22 + XX, while the male gamete (sperm) is 22+ XX or 22 + XY. Then, when the male and female gametes unite forming a zygote, the chromosomes again become diploid. This is how the offspring gets the same number of chromosomes as its parents. The sex of the baby, in the meantime is determined by the nature of the sperm (X or Y) that fertilzes the ovum. Hence, for human beings the sex of a baby is determined by the father.

iii. State the different types of neurons. Explain their functions.

Answer: Neurons are of three kinds, sensory neuron, motor neuron and association neuron, all three with different functions. However, the brain has to effectively communicate this to the rest of the body and vice versa.

Sensory neurons are in charge of changing external stimuli from the environment to the corresponding internal stimuli, activated by sensory input. They send out projections to other elements of the nervous system, thus conveying or carrying sensory information to the brain or the spinal cord. However, unlike the motor neurons of the central nervous system (CNS), whose inputs are from other neurons, sensory neurons are activated by physical modalities including visible sound, heat, light, physical contact or via chemical signals like smell, taste and so on.

Meanwhile, motor neurons located in the central nervous system project their axons outside of the CNS to directly or indirectly control muscles. Alternatively, the association or interneurons (also called mixed neurons) are neither sensory nor motor and rather act like the middleman connecting these two types of neurons. Located in the central nervous system, they function only locally, meaning their axons connect only with nearby sensory or motor neurons. Interneurons can save time and prevent injury as well by sending out a message to the spinal cord and back instead all the way to the brain.

iv. What is the ‘3R’ mantra? Write its significance.

Answer: The ‘3R’ mantra is to reduce, reuse and recycle, an effective approach to eliminating waste, while also conserving the resources. It is said to be a hierarchy of waste management strategies with the aim to minimize waste. The aim of this mantra is to extract the maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum amount of waste. Many of the things we currently throw away could be reused again with just a little thought and imagination.

Reduce: Use lesser resources and reduce their consumption, i.e use of less paper, less plastic and so on.

Reuse: Use and use items again instead of throwing them away. i.e reuse plastic jars to store food grains or salt

Recycle: This is the process in which the items that were used before and put back into the process to create new items. Used and discarded plastics, glass, paper, metal are sent back to respective industries, where they get converted to other useful products such as lampshades or handbags and more.

Meanwhile, all the three cut down on the consumption of energy required to create new products. They also reduce pollution and resources are also conserved well.

v. Metal A has electronic configuration (2, 8, 1) and metal B has (2, 8, 8, 2). Which is more

reactive? Why? Identify these metals.

Answer: It is seen that Metal A with electronic configuration (2, 8, 1) is more reactive as compared to metal B, which has (2, 8, 8, 2) electronic configuration. This is because Metal A with 1 electron will find it easier to lose it than the metal B with 2 electrons. Metal A is Sodium, while Metal B is Calcium.

vi. Explain the disadvantages of a large family size.

Answer: It is believed that a large family generally affects the individual and community life. Given below are some of the disadvantages of having a large family:

  • Economic pressure ensues
  • Elders in the family may be suffering from ill health
  • Lack of space to accommodate everyone in the family
  • When there are too many children, they may be neglected at home
  • Lack of food could cause malnutrition
  • Lack of better educational facilities
  • Insufficient medical care

4. Answer the following question (any one): [5]

i. Given below are the end products of different reactions involving glucose.

msbshse class 10 science II section 4 question i

Write the reaction number in front of the following :

a. Anaerobic reaction =

b. Reaction in the human muscles =

c. Aerobic respiration =

d. Reaction in the plant cells =

e. Reaction in the liver =

Answer: a. The reaction number is Anaerobic reaction is 5

b. Reaction number in the human muscles is 4

c. Reaction number is Aerobic respiration is 3

d. Reaction in the plant cells is 1

e. Reaction in the liver is 2

ii. What is a homologous series? State any four characteristics of a homologous series.

Answer: A series of carbon compounds that consist of the same functional groups but have different numbers of carbon atoms are known as homologous series. Meanwhile, check out the characteristics of the homologous series, here. Also, know more about homologous series here.


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