Maharashtra SSC Board Question Paper for Class 10th English 2015 In PDF

Maharashtra SSC Board 10th Standard English Exam Question Paper 2015- Free Download

Maharashtra SSC Board Class 10 English 2015 Question Paper helps students learn grammar and other complex concepts related to the English language. These solutions are the best resource for students to prepare well for the Class 10 board exams. Most students consider English as a language that is easy to learn. So, they do not give it as much importance as other subjects like Maths, Social or Science.

However, scoring in English is easy if the students know the language well. This previous year paper also lays the basis for the questions to be asked in the English exam. Maharashtra SSC Board Students can access the question paper from the respective links given in this article and answer the unsolved question paper PDF to practise for exams. Students can download the paper by just clicking on the interactive PDF link. The printable format of the question paper is also available here. The questions and answers are published online on the web-page, for the convenience of the students.

Meanwhile, students are urged to acquaint themselves with the MSBSHSE Class 10 English textbook’s main topics. The below-given question paper is also considered as the perfect resource for students. It helps them get an overview of the MSBSHSE Class 10 English exam’s question paper format. Students are advised to practise this previous year papers of Maharashtra Board Class 10 English to master the language properly. Referring to these previous year question papers will help students gauge their performance and their preparation level for the exams. The students can solve these papers regularly to know how to answer the questions most proficiently.

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MSBSHSE SSC (Class 10) English 2015 Question Paper Solutions

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(Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q. 1 (A) Read the passage given and do the following activities: [10 Marks]

A 1 Order

Arrange the following sentences in the correct order as they appear in the passage:

(i) On celebrations, parents can invest Rs200 and plant a sapling of a tree representing the child’s birth star.

(ii) He wants to create Brihat Panchavati

(iv) He has been able to increase the areas of the Pavitra Vana

(v) Plans are afoot to create Saptaswara forest

Answer: (iii) He has been able to increase the areas of the Pavitra Vana

(ii) He wants to create Brihat Panchavati

(iv) Plans are afoot to create Saptaswara forest

(i) On celebrations, parents can invest Rs 200 and plant a sapling of a tree representing the child’s birth star.

Today, Reddy is one of the most well-known environment specialists in India. With his influence, he has been able to increase the areas of the Pavitra Vann. He has plans to bring about awareness of Puranic trees and flowers for the knowledge of the Indian citizens.

He wants to create near the Pavitra Vana, a Brihat Panchavati so that parents can show their children, the forest where Shakuntala lived, or Sita spent her final days. There will also be a hillock where people can meditate. Plans are also afoot to create a Saptaswara forest, pertaining to different ragas in music. Scientists have found that certain plants react in a particular way to different ragas. So in such a forest, when a musician performs certain ragas, the plants will react in such a manner that will benefit the audience, the musician and the whole environment. The other idea is an eco-park for children. On celebrations, like birthdays, parents can invest 200 and plant a sapling of a tree representing the child’s birth star. The plant will also carry the child’s name. The Pavitra Vana also houses a garden of Prophet Mohammed, which has some plants mentioned in the Holy Quran. There is the date plant sacred to Islam and Mimosops elengi, the latter a highly fragrant variety. There is also the garden of Eden for housing plants sacred to Christianity, but the Pavitra Vana authorities have to procure most of them in the new sections.

A 2 Find specialities

Write down the specialities of the following:

(i) Brihat Panchavati:________

(ii) Saptaswara Forest:_______

(iii) Eco-park:_______

(iv) A garden of Prophet Mohammed:______

Answer: (i) Brihat Panchavati: the forest where Shakuntala lived or Sita spent her final days

(ii) Saptaswara Forest: In such forests, when a musician performs certain ragas, the plants will react in such a manner that it will benefit the audience, the musician and the whole environment

(iii) Eco-park: On celebrations, like birthdays, parents can invest Rs. 200 and plant a sapling of a tree representing the child’s birth star in the Eco-park.

(iv) A garden of Prophet Mohammed: has some plants mentioned in the Holy Quran like the date plant sacred to Islam and Mimosops elengi.

A 3. Antonyms

Find the antonyms for the following words from the passage:

  1. same
  2. decrease
  3. destroy
  4. lost

Answer: (a) different

(b) increase

(c) create

(d) found

A 4. Language Study

(i) He wants to create near the Pavitra Vana; a Brihat Panchavati.

(Pick out an infinitive from the given line and use it in your own sentence)

Answer: To create

Jack learned to create show pieces out of waste materials at the summer workshop.

(ii) Reddy is one of the most well-known environment specialists in India.

(Begin with: Very few_________ )

Answer: Very few environment specialists in India are as well-known as Reddy.

A 5. Personal Response.

Do you think one person alone can create an awareness towards environment conservation? Support your answer with appropriate reasons.

Answer: Perseverance and determination can help us to achieve our goals successfully. If we set our mind to establish a positive development, we will also be able to inspire other people to follow suit. Thus, we can conclude that it is possible for one person to create awareness towards environment conservation.

(B) Read the given passage and answer the following questions: [10 Marks]

B 1. Select

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternatives from those listed in the brackets:

(i) The author was inspired and motivated to read__________ by the time he was eleven.

(Shakespeare, Chaucer, G.B. Shaw)

Answer: Chaucer

The author was inspired and motivated to read Chaucer by the time he was eleven.

(ii) Every lesson ________ took was spiced with half a dozen or more anecdotes.

(Mrs. Rowlands, Sister. Monica, Mr. A.N. Patil)

Answer: Mr. A.N. Patil

Every lesson Mr. A.N. Patil took was spiced with half a dozen or more anecdotes.

(iii) The teachers helped the narrator to become_________.

(confident, happy, independent)

Answer: The teachers helped the narrator to become independent.

(iv) Mrs. Cynthia Nesamani and Sister Monica gave _______ to the narrator.

(freedom to do what he wanted, advice to do something, instructions to produce better results)

Answer: Mrs. Cynthia Nesamani and Sister Monica gave freedom to do what he wanted to the narrator

In a way, one of the greatest gifts any teacher can give a student, I think, is to inculcate a curiosity to learn.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to have at least one such teacher at every stage in my life. The first was Mrs. Rowlands who taught me in primary school. She taught me to read without even pushing me. She made me want to read more by giving me some of the most interesting children’s books available. Although I still love to go back to those books from time to time, it was only because of her that I was able to read Shakespeare by the time I was ten and Chaucer a year later.

In later years, It was Mr. A.N. Patil, my Marathi and Hindi Teacher who made a huge impression on me. Every lesson he took was spiced with half a dozen or more anecdotes from a wide variety of subjects: among them History, Politics, Religion and Sociology. I was, and still am in awe of his knowledge, which despite rather desperate attempts, I doubt I’ll ever be able to match.

There have also been other teachers who helped me to try to become independent: to think and act for myself using my own judgement has been just as, if not more important, than actually learning anything. After all, it’s much too easy to become a completely useless repository of facts and little else.

Two teachers whom I remember in particular are Mrs. Cynthia Nesamani and Sister Monica, both taught me in school. The former, by and large, gave me a free rein to do what I wanted to do. I, being one of those people who dislike instructions, she helped me to produce better results than I’d have otherwise done.

B 2. Complete

Read the passage given above and complete the following:

The teacher can

(i) ________

(ii) _______

(iii) _________

(iv) ________

Answer: (i) inculcate in a student, a curiosity to learn

(ii) Give interesting books for children, so that they develop a liking for reading

(iii) Spice up their lessons by adding half a dozen or more interesting anecdotes

(iv) Help children to become independent by helping them to think and act for themselves using their own judgement

B 3. Similar word

Look at the following sentences and select the word having the similar meaning to the given word and rewrite:

(i) Spiced

His conversation is always_______ with a lot of humour.

(made interesting, garnished, flavoured)

Answer: garnished

His conversation is always garnished with a lot of humour.

(ii) Repository

The library should not merely be a ________ of books.

(store-house, reservoir, tank)

Answer: store-house

The library should not merely be a store-house of books.

(iii) Inculcate

It is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to__________ values in the child’s formative years.

(imbibe, give, show)

Answer: imbibe

It is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to imbibe values in the child’s formative years.

(iv) Incredibly

I have been ________ lucky to have at least one such teacher at every stage in my life.

(importantly, unbelievably, beautifully)

Answer: unbelievably

I have been unbelievably lucky to have at least one such teacher at every stage in my life.

B 4. Language study

(i) There have also been other teachers. They have helped me to try to become independent.

(combine using “who”)

Answer: There have also been other teachers who have helped me to try to become independent.

(ii) It was only because of her that I was able to read Shakespeare.

(Rewrite beginning with: If it was not for her,_____)

Answer: If it was not for her, I would not have been able to read Shakespeare.

B 5. Our Motivators

Look at the following table and complete it by presenting your own views:


Influence on your life

(i) Teachers


(ii) Parents


(iii) Relatives


(iv) Friends




Influence on your life

(i) Teachers

Educate us, give us knowledge

(ii) Parents

Impart values and manners in us

(iii) Relatives

Inspire us to take new challenges

(iv) Friends

Support us and share our joys and sorrows

Q 2. (A) Read the given extract and do the following activities: [10 Marks]

A 1. True or False.

State whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) A new research suggests that eating healthy food and getting proper sleep helps children to succeed in school.

Answer: True.

(ii) Kids in the age group of 6-12 years should get an average sleep of less than 7 hours.

Answer: False.

While kids aged 6-12 years should get nine hours sleep nightly, adolescents from the age of 13 to 18 should get an average sleep of little more than seven hours per night.

(iii) Kids should start their day with yogurt, fruits and veggies.

Answer: False.

Kids should start the day with fruits, proteins and whole grains.

(iv) Children should have consistent sleeping habits.

Answer: True.

A new research suggests that eating healthy food and getting proper sleep can help children succeed in school. According to research, when kids go to school without eating breakfast, their cognitive function can be affected.

According to the study, kids should start the day with fruits, proteins and whole grains, and they should avoid sugary cereals because they cause a sugar high. If the kids do need to eat something prior to dinner, parents should offer healthy choices like yogurt, fruits and veggies or baked chips. Children have also been advised to drink water instead of soda as it lacks nutritional value. Moreover, research suggests that children need a good night’s sleep for their overall school performance. It is said that lack of sleep can lead to problems with attention and memory in the classroom, affect impulse control and mood regulation, leading to anxiety and even depression.

While kids aged 6-12 years should get nine hours sleep nightly, adolescents from the age of 13 to 18 should get an average sleep of little more than seven hours per night. However, the research suggests that catching up on lost sleep on the weekend can make matters worse and recommends a consistent bedtime seven days a week.

A 2. Find

Fill in the blocks with the information given in the passage above:

(i) Two things to be avoided by children:




(1) sugary cereals during breakfast

(2) soda as it lacks nutritional values

(ii) Lack of sleep due to mood regulation leads to:




(1) Anxiety

(2) Depression

A 3. Select

Select the correct word from the brackets and complete the following statements:

(anxiety, consistent, impulse, attention)

(i) Last minute study causes_______ to the students.

Answer: anxiety.

(ii) Stress affects the ________ for a quick action.

Answer: impulse.

(iii) Saina has shown_______ improvement in her performance.

Answer: consistent.

(iv) Students should pay_________ in class.

Answer: attention.

A 4. Language study

(i) Pick out any sentence from this extract where a model auxiliary indicating advice is used.

Answer: According to study, kids should start the day with fruits, proteins and whole grains, and they should avoid sugary cereals because they cause a sugar high.

(ii) Pick out the correct conjunctions from the given sentences:

  1. Kids should avoid sugary cereals because they cause a sugar high.
  2. It is said that lack of sleep can lead to problems.

Answer: (a) because is the conjunction used in the sentence, ‘Kids should avoid sugary cereals because they cause a sugar high’.

(b) that is the conjunction used in the sentence, ‘It is said that lack of sleep can lead to problems.’

A 5. Personal Response.

We should eat healthy food. Explain.

Answer: When we eat good food it helps us to grow healthy and strong. Also, when we are well-fed, we tend to be happier. We become more focussed, and it helps us to be more attentive in our studies. So, if we eat healthy food we are likely to excel more in physical activities as well as in academic performances.

(B) Read the passage below and answer the given questions: [10 Marks]

B 1. Find reasons

(i) The effect of receding forest_____

Answer:is that animals lose their food and shelter and move further into foothills.

(ii) The number of animals is reduced because______

Answer: hunters have found the area an ideal hunting ground for the last 70 years.

(iii) Elephants entered the city because________

Answer: they found their favourite food, the green shoots of bamboo, in short supply.

(iv) Elephants lived a wary life__________

Answer: as they did not know when men would appear again, with tractors, bulldozers and dynamite.

On the left bank of the Ganga, where it emerges from the Himalayan foothills, there is a long stretch of heavy forest. There are villages on the fringe of the forest, inhabited by bamboo cutters and farmers, but there are few signs of commerce or pilgrimage. Hunters, however, have found the area an ideal hunting ground during the last seventy years, and as a result, the animals are not numerous as they used to be. The trees, too, have been disappearing slowly; and, as the forest recedes, the animals lose their food and shelter and move further into the foothills. Slowly, they are being denied the right to live.

Only elephants can cross the river. And after two years, when a large area of the forest was cleared to make way for a refugee resettlement camp, a herd of elephants-finding their favourite food, the green shoots of bamboo, in short supply-waded across the river. They crashed through the suburbs of Haridwar, knocked down a factory wall, pulled down several tin roofs, held up a train, and left a trail of devastation in their wake until they found a new home in a new forest which was still untouched. Here, they settled down a new life-but, an unsettled, wary life. They did not know when men would appear again, with tractors, bulldozers and dynamite.

B 2. Find out

Mention four things the elephants did when they found a shortage of food:




(iv) ______________

Answer: The elephants

(i) crashed through the suburbs of Haridwar

(ii) knocked down a factory wall

(iii) pulled down tin roofs

(iv) help up a train and left a trail of devastation in their wake until they found a new forest that was untouched

B 3. Phrases

Make meaningful sentences by choosing any of the two given phrases:

(i) to make way for

Answer: He moved aside to make way for the Chief Guest.

(ii) in short

Answer: Food was in short supply during the floods.

(iii) on the fringe of

Answer: Our office is situated on the fringes of the city.

B 4. Language study

Select the proper alternative to make the correct voice:

(i) Hunters have found an ideal hunting ground.

– An ideal hunting ground________ found by hunters.

(had been, has been, was)

Answer: An ideal hunting ground has been found by hunters.

(ii) They were being denied the right to live.

-The people __________ them the right to live.

(are denying, were denying, denying)

Answer: The people are denying them the right to live.

B 5. Personal Response

What would be your contribution to protect the natural habitat of animals?

Answer: In an attempt to protect the natural habitat of animals, I will contrive to reduce the senseless use of papers by reusing the printed papers to do the rough work. I will also create awareness amongst the people about the operations of private industries, which are planning to expand their properties by advancing deforestation. Meanwhile, I will also work hard to educate my friends and family about the importance of forests and the need to plant trees.



Q 3. (A) Read the given extract and do the following activities: [5 Marks]

A 1.(i) Two activities that the mother was free to do:

  1. ____________
  2. ____________

Answer: The mother was free to:

  1. cook lunch
  2. wash dishes in the sink

(ii) Two activities that children avoided doing because of televisions:

(a) __________


Answer: The children avoided these activities due to television:

  1. Climbing out through the windows
  2. fighting, kicking and punching

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,

They don’t climb out the window sill,

They never fight, or kick or punch,

They leave you free to cook the lunch

And wash the dishes in the sink

But did you ever stop to think,

To wonder just exactly what

This does to your beloved tot?

It rots the sense in the head!

It kills imagination dead!

It clogs and clutters up the mind!

It makes a child so dull and blind

He can no longer understand

A fantasy, a fairyland!

His brain becomes as soft as cheese!

His power of thinking rust and freeze!

He cannot think- he only sees!

‘All right!’ you’ll cry. ‘All right!’ you’ll say,

But if we take the set away,

What shall we do to entertain

Our darling children? Please explain!

We’ll answer this by asking you,

‘What used the darling ones to do?’

‘How used they keep themselves contented

Before this monster was invented?’

Have you forgotten? Don’t you know?

A 2. According to the poem, why is excessive watching of TV harmful?

Answer: According to the poem, watching TV rots the sense of the child in the head and kills their imagination. It also clogs and clutters up the mind, making the child dull and blind. They will not be able to understand a fantasy or a fairy land as their brain becomes as soft as cheese. Their power of thinking will also rust and freeze, as they cannot think and can only see.

A 3. His brain becomes as soft as cheese. The figure of speech is ______ because ________

Answer: The figure of speech used in this above sentence is simile, because the softness of the brain is compared to that of the cheese.

(B) Read the given poem and do the following activities: [5 Marks]

B 1. Complete

Complete the given statements:

(i) The poet is taking about ___________

Answer: the wisdom possessed by the elderly.

(ii) As a nation we are missing our________

Answer: our greatest true resource, to get to know our elders and let them guide our course.

(iii) Old people have keys ___________

Answer: of things they can show us.

(Iv) The elderly remember _________

Answer: the loved one’s, which were new to them.

“Oh the value of the elderly! How could anyone not know?

They hold so many keys, so many things they can show.

We all will read the other side this I firmly believe.

And the elderly are the closest oh what clues we could retrieve.

For their characters are closest to how we’ll be on high.

They are the ones most developed, you can see it if you try.

They’ve let go of the frivolous and kept things that are dear.

The memories of so sweet, of loved ones that were near.

As a nation we are missing our greatest true resource,

To get to know our elders and let them guide our course.”

B 2. Express

State what the underlined words mean:

(i) Oh the value of the elderly! State the value_______

Answer: the value lie in the wisdom and the guidance of the elderly.

(ii) They are the ones most developed. ‘They’ stand for______

Answer: The word ‘they’ stand for the elderly described in the poem.

B 3. Match the words in column ‘A’ of the table with the rhyming words in column ‘B’

Column A

Column B

(j) course

(a) show

(ii) believe

(b) resource

(c) retrieve


Column A

Column B

(j) course

(b) resource

(ii) believe

(c) retrieve


(Rapid Reading)

Q 4. Read the given passage and do the following activities: [5 Marks]

A I. Who said to whom?

(i) “Is he going to live, sir?”

(ii) “___________ the struggle is too hard at the end___________ “

Answer: A 1. (i) The question was asked by the assistant to the doctor.

(ii) The doctor said this to his assistant.

The doctor said to himself, “If my word can save his life, he shall not die. They will be damned.” He called, “Gopal, listen.” This was the first time he was going to do a piece of acting before a patient, simulate a feeling and conceal his Judgement. He stooped over the patient and said, with deliberate emphasis, “Don’t worry about the will now. You are going to live. Your heart is absolutely sound.”

A new glow suffused the patient’s face as he heard it. Be asked in a tone of relief, “Do you say so? If it comes from your lips it must be true………… .”

The doctor said, “Quite right. You are improving every second. Sleep in peace. You must not exert yourself on any account. You must sleep very soundly.

I will see you in the morning.” The patient looked at him gratefully for a moment and then closed his eyes. The doctor picked up his bag and went out, shutting the door softly behind him.

On his way home he stopped for a moment at his hospital, called out his assistant and said, “That Lawley Extension case. You might expect the collapse any second now. Go there with a tube of……………………………….’in hand, and give it in case the struggle is too hard at the end. Hurry up.”

Next morning he was back at Lawley Extension at ten. From his car he made a dash for the sick bed. The patient was awake and looked very well. The assistant reported satisfactory pulse. The doctor put his tube to his heart, listened for a while and told the sick man’s wife, “Don’t look so unhappy, lady. Your husband will live to be a ninety.’’ When they were going back to the hospital, the assistant sitting beside him in the car asked, “Is he going to live, sir?”

“I will bet on it. He will live to be ninety. He has turned the corner. How he has survived this attack will be a puzzle to me all my life,” replied the doctor.

A 2. Web

Complete the web:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2015 Question Paper Section III Q 4. A2.


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2015 Question Paper Section III Q 4. A2 solution

A 3. Personal Response

What is your opinion about the doctor and his behaviour?

Answer: The doctor seems like a kind-hearted person, who is committed to his profession. He would go out of his way to help his patients and is supportive. The doctor also gave hope to his patient, Gopal that he would recover from his illness. His patients also seem to rely on his judgement because of his hard work and dedication.


(Writing Skills)

Q.5 (A) Attempt one of the letters with the help of the given News Headline: [5 Marks]

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2015 Question Paper Section IV Q 5. A

Answer: A 1. Letter- Students are requested to do these activities on their own.

A Sample format for Informal letter is given here:

Address of Sender


Salutation: Dear Friend(Name),

Mail to friend. Ask after their health. Talk about the topic

Measures to take to maintain the road

Yours truly,



A 2. Letter Format

Address of sender


The Editor

The New India Herald Fort

Mumbai- 400001

Subject: Bad condition of the roads

Salutation: Dear Sir,

Introduce yourself. Talk about the reason for writing the email. Difficulties as a result of the bad conditions of the road.

Caution the commuters to drive slowly. Write about what care is to be taken.

Thanking you. Yours sincerely,


(B) Attempt any of the following:

M. Gandhi Vidyalaya

We invite you to grace the auspicious programme of ‘Republic Day’ Programme:

Flag hoisting

National Anthem

March past

Dance Competition

Environment Exhibition

Day and Date: Sun 26 Jan, 2014

Time: 7 a.m.

Venue: The School ground

Secretary Principal

B 1.


Prepare a short report for a school magazine on the celebration of the Republic Day. Use the points given in the invitation card.

Answer: Students are required to do this activity on their own.


B 2.


Develop a dialogue between you and your mother on the celebration of the Republic Day in your school.

Answer: Students are required to do this activity on their own.

Q. 6. (A) Attempt any one of the following activities: [5 Marks]

A 1. Books have the power to inspire and do many more things. Observe the web diagram and convert the information into a paragraph. Add a few more points to the given information:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2015 Question Paper Section IV Q 6. A1.

Answer: Books are considered as true friends who provide us with a treasure house of information and knowledge. Like our friends, books also inspire us and encourage us to do great things. We find pleasure in reading about those far away lands and in learning about the mysteries of the universe. Meanwhile, biographies of great people can also motivate us to follow in their footsteps. Books are also the foundation to teach us not only about Science and logic, but also about morality and values. Books help to sculpt us into ideal human beings and overcome our shortcomings. So, it is advisable for everyone to read books.

A 2. Read the below passage and fill in the table provided:

Acclaimed in Indian classics as the Kalpavriksha, the all giving tree of the coconut palm grows in several states in India. The coconut palm is a member of the plant family Arecaceae popularly known as palm family. It flourishes on sandy soils requiring high humidity, abundant sunlight and high rainfall for optimal growth. All parts of the palm are used in some way or another in the daily life of the people. Coconut water provides a refreshing and nutritious drink. The firm kernel that lines the inside is high in calories and the white milk extracted from it is used in many different ways. Oil extracted from dried mature coconuts is used as cooking oil. The leaves are braided to make thatched roof and mats. The mid-ribs of the leaves are dried and tied together to make brooms. The coconut shell and husk are good sources of efficient fuel. During religious ceremonies married women are often presented with a coconut along with a few grains of rice as a symbol of fertility and prosperity.


Scientific name:

Place where grown:

Climate required:


  1. Liquid
  1. Kernel

(c) Leaves

(d) shell




Coconut palm

Scientific name:


Place where grown:

Sandy soils

Climate required:

High humidity, abundant sunlight, high rainfall


  1. Liquid

Refreshing and nutritious drink

  1. Kernel

White milk has many uses, Oil is extracted from dry kernel

(c) Leaves

Used to make thatched roof and mats

(d) shell

It is a source of efficient fuel


Fertility and prosperity

(B) Attempt any one of the given questions:

B1 Speech

School Notice Board

Meeting is with pleasure,

Parting is with pain,

May life shower it’s treasure,

On you, now and again.

Wishing you all the best for

your future

After going through the message on the School Notice Board, draft a speech to be delivered on the occasion of Standard. X Farewell.

Answer: Students are required to do this activity on their own.


B 2. Write your counterviews in a paragraph on the topic:

“Crackers should be burst to express happiness”, on the basis of the views given below-

Add a few more points.

  • It symbolizes joy.
  • It illuminates the sky.
  • Children enjoy it.

Begin your paragraph as “I strongly oppose the conviction…….

Answer: I strongly oppose the conviction that crackers should be burst to express happiness. These crackers are known for its loud noise, and they raise the stress levels of the people, as well as frighten the animals. Meanwhile, the air in the atmosphere is also polluted by the crackers. It impairs the visibility causing accidents. Inhaling these fumes could cause lung diseases. Crackers, in the meantime, work to escalate the blood pressure, while also worsening the heart conditions of the people. Finally, we can conclude that there are better alternatives to express happiness such as distributing sweets or planting trees.

Q 7. (A) Attempt any one of the following:

A 1. Expand any one of the following two ideas in about 80 to 100 words:

(i) Cleanliness is Godliness.

Answer: Our identity includes both our body and mind, and we should treat them both with respect. This can be done by practising proper hygiene. We should maintain cleanliness for not just our body, but also of our mind and spirit. A responsible person will keep his body clean. For a clean mind to reside, the body also has to be clean. A clean body and a clean mind will include a clean spirit, as well. A clean spirit will ensure that the actions and words of the person is clean by resisting all the bad thoughts and deeds. A clean person is thus able to rise above the rest and find himself closer to god.

(ii) A stitch in time saves nine.

Answer: “A stitch in time saves nine” means that any timely action can save us a lot of trouble and loss of time and so on. This tells us the importance of doing our work in time. If we are lazy and leave our work for tomorrow, we are more likely to suffer from loss.

So, in short the phrase tells us that it is better to do our work on time instead of delaying it. Hence, if we encounter any difficulty we can remove it very quickly with prompt action.

We know that our life on earth is short, and we have a lot of work to do. For this reason, we do not have any spare time. We will have to buck up and do all our work on time. A time that has passed can never be recalled. This is the reason why we say that if we have any work to do, we should do it asap, immediately.


A 2. Develop a story in about 80-100 words with the following ending. Give a suitable title:

…………………… Thank God I found my Science Journal before the last date of submission.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

Sample format:

Title: Mystery of the Science Journal

The last day for submitting our Science Journal was nearing. It was tomorrow. Now, yesterday, I started panicking because the journal was not to be found in my bookshelf. I even went through my bag and checked the study table. I went to the extent of checking my pillowcase, underneath which I usually keep my novels, but of no avail. I finally decided to speak to my teacher and consider the problem. Meanwhile, today at school, my friend who sits behind me tapped me on my shoulder and asked, “Is this yours?” You had left it under the desk. I had found my beloved Science Journal. Thank God, I found my Science Journal before the last date of submission.


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