Maharashtra SSC Board Question Paper for Class 10th English 2017 In PDF

Maharashtra SSC Board 10th Standard English Exam Question Paper 2017- Free Download

The Maharashtra SSC Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Solutions help the students to learn the grammar and master all the complex concepts related to the English language. These solutions are considered as the best resource for students to study for the Class 10 board exams. Most students consider English an easy language and may not give that much importance as they would to other main subjects like Maths or Science. However, acing this subject is easy if the students are thorough with the language.

This previous year paper with its solutions, in the meantime, also sets the foundation for the question types likely to be asked in the English board exams. Maharashtra SSC Board Students can access the question paper from the links and answer the unsolved question paper PDF to practise for exams. Students can get the paper by just clicking on the interactive PDF link given. The printable format of the question paper is made available here. The questions and answers are also published online so that the students can access them as they like.

In the meantime, students are also urged to get acquainted with the main topics that are covered in the MSBSHSE Class 10 English textbook. The below-given question paper is the perfect resource for students to overview the MSBSHSE Class 10 English exam question paper design. Students are advised to practise these previous year question papers of Maharashtra Board Class 10 English to understand the language properly. These question papers will help the students gauge their performance and their preparation level for the final exams. The students can also solve these papers frequently to know how to answer the questions efficiently.

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Download Maharashtra SSC Board 2017 English Question Paper Solutions

MSBSHSE SSC (Class 10) English 2017 Question Paper Solutions

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(Reading skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q. 1 (A) Read the below given passage and do the activities: [10 Marks]

  1. 1 True or False:

Say whether the given statements are true or false:

(i) Gilson asked the writer to buy a tie of red colour with an initial “G” on it.

Answer: False.

Gilson asked to buy a tie, of any colour but with a small embroidered G on it.

(ii) The writer could not buy the tie on Sunday because he had no time.

Answer: False

The writer could not buy the tie on Sunday because the shops were closed.

(iii) The driver refused to wait as parking was prohibited.

Answer: True

The driver refused to wait. Parking was prohibited, he said.

(iv) The writer promised to double the fare.

Answer: True.

I promised to double the fare, jumped out and ran into the shop.

What Gilson asked me to buy was, in fact, a little thing: a tie. But not just any tie. He wanted a tie with a small embroidered G. Any colour would do, as long as it had his initial. Look, this is a special flight, I explained. We are only staying Saturday through Tuesday. On the day we arrived I didn’t have time to think about the tie, but strolling around on Sunday, I did see ties bearing various letters in more than one shop window. They were cheap, just a dollar, but all the shops were closed.

Frantic search: On Monday, lunch lasted the whole afternoon. Then, it was Tuesday morning, time to leave. It was only when I saw our airport bus waiting outside the hotel that I remembered the tie.

I told the group to go on. I would get a taxi to the airport. And so I went in search of a nearby shop where I had seen ties.

But, I couldn’t find it. I walked further down the street- one, two, three blocks- all in vain. Back at the hotel, a bit anxious now, I took my suitcase, got a taxi and asked the driver to rush to the street where I had seen them.

The driver stopped at each shop we passed, so I could look from the taxi window. The stores had all sorts of ties, but not the kind I was looking for.

When I finally thought I had located the right shop, I decided to go in and check. The driver refused to wait. Parking was prohibited, he said. I promised to double the fare, jumped out and ran into the shop. Was I going to miss the plane, just for a damned tie?

A 2. Order (2)

Put the sentences given below in the correct order:

(i) On the very first day, the writer had no time to buy a tie.

(ii) The writer walked down on Sunday and saw shops with a variety of ties.

(iii) Gilson, the writer’s friend wanted him to buy a tie.

(iv) The writer left the place on Tuesday morning.

Answer: Find below the statements in the correct order

(iii) Gilson, the writer’s friend wanted him to buy a tie.

(i) On the very first day, the writer had no time to buy a tie.

(ii) The writer walked down on Sunday and saw shops with a variety of ties.

(iv) The writer left the place on Tuesday morning.

A 3. Matching:

Match the given words with its meaning from below:



(i) strolling

(a) done in a very urgent way

(ii) anxious

(b) to walk without hurrying

(iii) prohibited

(c) wanting something very much

(iv) frantic

(d) to stop something




(i) strolling

(b) to walk without hurrying

(ii) anxious

(c) wanting something very much

(iii) prohibited

(d) to stop something

(iv) frantic

(a) done in a very urgent way

A 4. Language study: Begin your sentence with _________ (2)

(i) I had located the right shop.

(Rewrite the sentence beginning with “The right shop_____”)

Answer: The right shop was located by me.

(ii) All the shops were closed.

(Begin with “None of the _____)

Answer: None of the shops were open.

A 5. Personal Response: (2)

Narrate any one funny/ humorous incident that took place in your life.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

(B) Read the given passage and do the activities as instructed: [10 Marks]

B 1. Complete:

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences mentioned below:

(i) I was able to read_______ by the time I was ten.

Answer: I was able to read Shakespeare by the time I was ten.

(ii) It was Mr. A.N. Patil my _______ teacher who made a huge impression on me.

Answer: It was Mr. A.N. Patil, my Marathi and Hindi teacher who made a huge impression on me.

(iii) Every lesson that Mr. Patil took was spiced with half a dozen or more_______

Answer: Every lesson that Mr. Patil took was spiced with half a dozen or more anecdotes from a wide variety of subjects: among them History, Politics, Religion, and Sociology.

(iv) One of the greatest gifts any teacher can give a student is to inculcate_______

Answer: One of the greatest gifts any teacher can give a student is to inculcate a curiosity to learn

In a way, one of the greatest gifts any teacher can give a student, I think, is to inculcate a curiosity to learn.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to have at least one such teacher at every stage in my life. The first was Mrs. Rowlands who taught me in primary school. She taught me to read without ever pushing me. She made me want to read more by giving me some of the most interesting children’s books available. And although I still love to go back to those books from time to time, it was only because of her that I was able to read Shakespeare by the time I was ten, and Chaucer a year later.

In later years, it was Mr. A.N. Patil, my Marathi and Hindi teacher who made a huge impression on me. Every lesson he took was spiced with half a dozen or more anecdotes from a wide variety of subjects: among them History, Politics, Religion, and Sociology. I was, and still am in awe of his knowledge, which despite rather desperate attempts, I doubt I’ll ever be able to match.

There have also been other teachers who helped me to try to become independent: to think and act for myself using my own judgement, which to my mind has been just as, if not more important, than actually learning anything. After all, it’s much too easy to become a completely useless repository of facts and little else.

B 2. Web:

Complete the following web:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section I Question B 2


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section I Question B 2 Solution

B 3. Match:

Match the words in the column A with the corresponding meanings given in column B:



(i) Inculcate

(a) very sad and upset because of loss of hope

(ii) Incredibly

(b) a person with a lot of information

(iii) Desperate

(c) extremely good, great

(iv) Repository

(d) to teach and impress by frequent repetition




(i) Inculcate

(d) to teach and impress by frequent repetition

(ii) Incredibly

(c) extremely good, great

(iii) Desperate

(a) very sad and upset because of loss of hope

(iv) Repository

(b) a person with a lot of information

B4. Frame Questions:

Frame WH- questions for the following statements with the help of the “Wh” word given in the brackets:

(i) She taught me to read. (What)

Answer: What did she teach you?

(ii) I read Chaucer a year later. (When)

Answer: When did you read Chaucer?

B5. Personal Response

“Teachers are responsible for moulding the character of students.”

Elaborate giving your opinion.

Answer: Teachers often influence every student. They act as the guiding light for the students in the formative years of their lives. Teachers can easily mould the students and help in shaping their future. The students usually imbibe in their daily lives what they learn from their teachers. Some teachers have helped students become independent: to think and act for themselves using their judgement, which has been just as, if not more important, than actually learning anything.

Q 2. Read the following passage and answer as instructed: [10 Marks]

A1. Chart:

Write down four pieces of advice given by the writer:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section I Question Q2 A1

Answer: (i) Do the exercises

(ii) Take a brisk half an hour walk, at least thrice a week

(iii) Vary the type of exercise you do

(iv) Be careful not to overdo exercise

Exercise makes you focus on your body, providing relief from difficult feelings and thoughts. If you work out hard enough, it releases chemicals called endorphins, which may act in the brain to help lift your mood.

If you haven’t taken exercise, start simply with a brisk half-hour walk at least three times a week. Once in the habit of exercising, consider something more strenuous, such as aerobic dance. Activities that you share with other people, such as tennis or team games, may be preferable to solitary forms of exercise, such as swimming, which leaves your mind free to dwell on negative thoughts. Vary the type of exercise you do, and don’t choose something you don’t enjoy at all. Be careful not to overdo exercise, or you will merely feel exhaustion instead of increased energy and improved well-being.


Potentially, the world is your work-out facility. But, if you want access to high-quality resistance machines, aerobic-classes, and trained staff, a gym may be worth the money, especially if it helps you stick with an exercise program.

A 2. Effects:

Look at the activities given in column “A” of the table. Give their effects in column “B”:



(i) Regular Exercise

(ii) Hard workout

(iii) Swimming

(iv) Over straining exercise




(i) Regular Exercise

relief from difficult feelings and thoughts

(ii) Hard workout

releases chemicals called endorphins

(iii) Swimming

leaves the mind free to dwell on negative thoughts

(iv) Over straining exercise

a feeling of exhaustion

A3. Complete the following table and frame a sentence of your own by choosing any word from the table:




















He is the world’s highest paid painter.

A4. Language study:

Select the proper tag and re-write the sentence;

(i) It helps you to stick with an exercise.

(1. do it? 2. does it? 3. doesn’t it?).

Answer: 3. doesn’t it?

It helps you to stick with an exercise, doesn’t it?

(ii) Be careful not to overdo exercise.

(1. won’t you? 2. will you? 3. be you?)

Answer: 2. will you?

Be careful not to overdo exercise, will you?

A5. My opinion:

It is necessary to exercise regularly.

Write your opinion in support of the given statement.

Answer: Exercise releases endorphins, which acts in the brain and helps to lift your mood. You also tend to sleep better if you exercise. It helps to relieve your stress and low self-esteem. It also provides relief from difficult feelings and thoughts. Exercising regularly also reduces some diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and more.

(B) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities: [10 Marks]


Complete the following sentence by selecting from the multiple choice given below:

(i) The luxury cars have largely gone_______ from its roads.

  1. missing
  2. disappointing
  3. hiding
  4. dislocating

Answer: (a) missing

The luxury cars have largely gone missing from its roads.

(ii) A few luxury car owners have_______ their other not so premium cars.

  1. switched off
  2. switched to
  3. switched away
  4. insurance

Answer: (b) switched to

A few luxury car owners have switched to their other not so premium cars.

(iii) The car owners get the standard________ of a company.

(a) guarantee

(b) certainty

(c) warranty

(d) insurance

Answer: (c) warranty

The car owners get the standard warranty of a company,

(iv) Many owners _____ their decision to buy the premium car due to the pitiable condition.

  1. regretted
  2. favoured
  3. accepted
  4. expected

Answer: (a) regretted

Many owners regretted their decision to buy the premium car due to the pitiable condition.

Potholes Keep Luxury Cars Indoors

(Newspaper Reporter)

Three years after the city vroomed to global fame when it picked up 150 luxury cars in a record bulk deal, the cars have largely gone missing from roads, parked as they are in the safety of their owners’ garages. Fearing damage and dents to their dream drives, the owners said they could not risk them on the potholed city roads.

Many owners said they regretted their decision to buy these premium buys as the pitiable condition of roads has ensured they cannot take their cars out for their commute to work or simply spin around town. A few owners have switched to their other not-so-so premium cars in their fleet for their daily commute, while a couple of them have already sold their high-end luxury cruisers. Some owners are negotiating an extended warranty period with the auto giant.

As per the star agreement, the cars get a free service once a year or 15,000kms, for three years. They also get the standard warranty of a company that covers most of the car’s maintenance, but parts like tyres are not covered, like is the case with most auto brands.

A car owner said that he carefully picks the road he would drive his car on, even if it means taking a longer route to reach the destination.

B2. Give reasons:

Give reasons justifying the following statements:

(i) The luxury car owners have parked their vehicles in a garage because________

Answer: the cars have largely gone missing from roads.

(ii) The luxury car owners regret their decision of buying luxury cars becasue______

Answer: the pitiable condition of roads has ensured they cannot take their cars out for their commute to work or simply spin around town.

(iii) Many luxury car owners have sold out their cars because_______

Answer: they cannot take their cars out for their commute to work or simply spin around town.

(iv) The car owners take longer route because _________

Answer: parts like tyres are not covered in standard warranty, so car owners carefully pick the road he would drive his car on.

B3. Word register:

Prepare a word register relating automobile industry:

Answer: 1. Garage

2. Mileage

3. Fuel

4. Capacity

5. Engine

6. Torque

7. Cylinders

8. Gearbox

9. Suspension

10. Alloy Wheel

B4. Language Study:

Change the following into direct speech:

Many owners said they regretted their decision to buy the premium buys.

Answer: Many owners said, “We regret our decision to buy the premium buys.”

B5. Personal Response:

Comment on the bad condition of the roads in your locality.

Answer: Travelling by roads is a common occurrence in India, and it provides a lot of flexibility, speed, and convenience to travellers. But, the plight of Indian roads is deplorable. The Indian roads are not well maintained or developed. The road is filled with potholes, which could cause damage and dents to luxury cars. The roads’ sad condition also ensures that the vehicles cannot be taken out for commute to work or even a simple spin around town. Taking the cars out on the roads could also lead to accidents, severe injuries and even death.



Q3. A. Read the given extract and complete the following activities: [5 Marks]

A1. Complete the following web:

Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section II Question A 1


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section II Question A1 Solution

“Oh the value of the elderly! How could anyone not know?

They hold so many keys, so many things they can show.

We all will read the other side this I firmly believe

And the elderly are closest oh what clues we could retrieve.

For their characters are closest to how we’ll be on high.

They are the one’s most developed, you can see it if you try.

They’ve let go of the frivolous and kept things that were near.

As a nation we are missing our greatest true resource,

To get to know our elders and let them guide our course”.

A2. Message:

In what way, can the elders guide us?

Answer: There are many ways in which the elders can guide us. They are like the trees, under which the children can rest. They imbibe the spirit of values and ethics of the family. They can guide the children to make a good decision. Elder’s play a very important role in the lives of the children.

A3. Match the pair of rhyming words in the table as they appear in the poem:



(i) believe

(a) try

(ii) high

(b) resource

(c) retrieve




(i) believe

(c) retrieve

(ii) high

(a) try

(B) Read the given lines and complete the activities: [5 Marks]

B 1. True or False:

(i) Deforestation is common in our world.

Answer: True

(ii) Environmental pollution is not the salient feature of the world today.

Answer: False

(iii) Wildlife is endangered.

Answer: True

(iv) Number of rivers are pollution-free.

Answer: False

There lie abundant rivers with pollution

There fly multiple clouds with contamination

And when good food goes to waste.

The valleys of earth bury their paste.

Our world is an institution

of environmental pollution

We choose not to care

For our future generations.

And I, for one, am guilty

For buying the hundreds of electronic gadgets

That attracts the industries to produce like maggots

Environmental pollution is at the heart of our planet.

The forests are dying

Wildlife is crying

Millions of fish are dying

Mother earth is sighing.

B2. Message:

Glance through the extract and complete the given table:

Do’s to save our Earth

Don’ts to save our Earth






Dos to save our Earth

Don’ts’ to save our Earth

(i). Clean the rivers

(i) More use of electronic gadgets

(ii) Plant more trees

(ii) Not to release the contaminated water in rivers

B3. Matching:

Match the lines given in Column “A” with figures of speech as given in Column “B”:



(i) For buying the hundreds of electronic gadgets

(a) Repetition

(ii) The forests are dying

(b) Metaphor

(c) Hyperbole

(d) Personification




(i) For buying the hundreds of electronic gadgets

(c) Hyperbole

(ii) The forests are dying

(d) Personification


(Rapid Reading)

Q 4. (A) Reading the following extract and complete the activities given: [5 Marks]

A 1. Complete:

Choose the correct alternative and complete the following:

(i) Gerrard expects to remain in the cottage for________

  1. the rest of the evening
  2. about another ten minutes
  3. fifteen minutes

Answer: about another ten minutes.

(ii) Gerrard finds the situation very_________

(a) frightening

(b) original

(c) melodramatic

Answer: (c) melodramatic.

Gerrard: Well, tell him to phone up directly. I must know. Yes, I expect I’ll still be here, but you mustn’t count on that _________. In about ten minutes’ time. Right-ho. Goodbye.

[He puts down the phone and goes to the divan on the left, where there is a travelling bag and starts packing. Whilst he is thus engaged, another man, similar in build to Gerrard enters from the right silently-revolver in hand. He is flashily dressed in an overcoat and soft hat. He bumps accidentally against the table and at the sound Gerrard turns quickly.]

Gerrard: (pleasantly). Why, this is a surprise, Mr.-er-

Intruder: I’m glad you’re pleased for long. Put those paws up!

Gerrard: This is all very melodramatic; not very original, perhaps, but-

Intruder: Trying to be calm and -er-

Gerrard: “Nonchalant”, is your word, I think.

Intruder: Thanks a lot. You’ll soon stop being smart. I’ll make you crawl. I want to know a few things, see.

Gerrard: Anything you like. I know all the answers. But before we begin I should like to change my position: you may be comfortable, but I am not.

Intruder: Sit down, there, and no funny business. (Motions to chair and seats himself on the divan by the bag.)

Now then, we’ll have a nice little talk about yourself!

A2. Gerrard and intruder are different in nature- Elaborate.

Answer: Gerrard is shown to be realistic and nonchalant, while the intruder is portrayed as a melodramatic person. Intruder wants to know a few things and has no qualms resorting to threat to get his way.

A 3. Write from the extract, the sentences/phrases that indicate the intruder’s threatening manner.

Answer: Intruder: I’m glad you’re pleased for long. Put those paws up!

Thanks a lot. You’ll soon stop being smart. I’ll make you crawl. I want to know a few things, see. Sit down, there, and no funny business. Now then, we’ll have a nice little talk about yourself!


(Writing Skill)

Q.5 (A) Do any of the following A1 or A2 activities: [5 Marks]

A1. Look at the news heading and write a letter to congratulate Anjana.

“Nashik’s Anjana wins 800 m Asian Youth Gold.”

Answer: Activity to be done by students. Giving a sample format:





Start off by congratulating Anjana in the body of the letter. Can write the letter in your own words. End by giving all the best for the future.

Yours affectionately,



A 2. Concession for the students:

Students commuting daily to their schools by bus (S.T or local) may apply to,

The Controller/ Stationmaster

Documents required:

(i) bona fide certificate

(ii) the latest photograph

(iii) address proof

Write an application in response to the above advertisement, addressing the Controller/ Stationmaster of your area.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

Find the letter format:





The Controller,



Subject: Requesting student concession

Salutation(Respected Sir),

First introduce yourself. Go direct to the point (as to the requirement). Can give a small premise as to why you need concession.

Then give a list of the documents attached. (can write the number of documents in the list).

Say thanks.

Yours faithfully,


(B) Do any one of the given activities: [5 Marks]

B1. Report:

Look at the following news and prepare a report about the same:

Masti ki Pathshaala on IIM- A Footpath

Ahmedabad: Every morning some kids gather around a young man as he greets them with sweets and starts his class near the Indian Institute of Management (IIM-A) wall. This class has no blackboard. The man hands over a chalk and charcoal and starts explaining alphabets and soon breaks into song as kids too join in. This is Masti ki Pathshala run by Ashish Vyas a 30 years old from Naranpura.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

Sample Format:



Place, date: Ashish is a 30-year-old man from Naranpura, who is a favourite among some street children near IIM- Ahmedabad. Masti ki Pathshala, the school for underprivileged children is an initiative by him…….


B2. Preparing questions:

Referring to the given news item, frame ten questions to interview Ashish Vyas.

Answer: Find here the questions to interview Ashish Vyas:

  1. What was the inspiration to begin Masti ki Pathshala?
  2. Who assists you during the difficult times?
  3. How are the financial needs of the school managed?
  4. What was the response of the Govt to your idea?
  5. Name the challenges that you face while conducting the classes.
  6. Where do you hope to see Masti ki Pathshala post two years?
  7. What is the significance of choosing a place near the IIM?
  8. How are the students enrolled in the Masti ki Pathshala?
  9. What was the reaction of the community about the school?
  10. Tell us about your future plans for the School.

Q6. (A) Information transfer Non-verbal/ verbal [5 Marks]

A 1. Prepare a paragraph on “Problems in Conservation of Wildlife and Solutions” using the points given in the following table:

Problems in Wildlife Conservation and Solutions

Man-made Problems

Natural Problems


  • Population explosion
  • Ever-growing need for agricultural land
  • Over-exploitation of forests, like wood etc.
  • Poaching to meet ever-increasing international demand for animal hides
  • outbreak forest fires
  • draught
  • floods
  • provision of strict laws and __
  • proper execution of the laws
  • providing proper security to protect wildlife
  • arranging for check-posts to detect poaching etc.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

A 2. Read the following passage and draw a tree diagram to cover the main points:

The Indian Judiciary is made up of courts at three levels. The Supreme Court is the apex court of it is for the whole Union of India. There are High Courts for each state. In each state, at the district level, there are Sessions Courts.

The Sessions Court judge has under his jurisdiction either the Assistant Sessions Judge, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the Chief Judicial Magistrate. The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate has under his jurisdiction the Metropolitan Magistrate and the Special Metropolitan Magistrate.


Maharashtra Board Class 10 English 2017 Question Paper Section IV Q 6 A2 Solution

(B) Complete any one of the given B 1 or B 2 [5 Marks]

B 1. Write your view supporting, ‘The Need for Cashless Transactions Today’ using the points given in the view column:


  • convenience
  • curbing black money
  • preventing tax evasion
  • no risk of carrying cash
  • saving paper
  • preventing illegal transactions
  • add your own points

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.


B 2. Speech:

Prepare a speech on the issue “Advantages of Cashless Transactions”, raised in the class assembly.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

Q 7. Develop a paragraph of about 100 words expanding any one of the following expressions: [5 marks]

(i) Books are best friends

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

(ii) Child labour- a curse

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.

(iii) ___________ That’s how we saved the animals during drought time.

Answer: Activity to be done by the students.


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