420 in Roman Numerals

420 in Roman Numerals is CDXX. In this article, you will get a perfect idea of how 420 can be written in Roman numerals without any confusion. To learn this process efficiently, students can refer to the study materials available at BYJU’S for absolutely free of cost. Therefore, 420 is written as CDXX in roman numerals.

Number Roman Numeral
420 CDXX

Roman Numerals 420

How to Write 420 in Roman Numerals?

The expansion of 420 is shown below to help you learn the conversion process in a shorter duration.

420 = (500 – 100) + 10 + 10

420 = (D – C) + X + X

420 = CDXX

Video Lesson on Roman Numerals

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Frequently Asked Questions on 420 in Roman Numerals


How can we convert 420 to Roman Numerals?

You have to consider the ones, tens and hundreds value of 420 to convert the number to Roman Numerals.

Find 500 – 80.

We know that
500 – 80 = 420
Therefore, 500 – 80 is 420 which can be written as CDXX.

Why is 420 written in Roman Numerals as CDXX?

In roman numerals,
420 = (500 – 100) + 10 + 10
420 = (D – C) + X + X
420 = CDXX


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