Students need to be well-prepared if they have to perform experiments successfully. These Botany Practical Experiments of Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 help to increase the reasoning abilities of students and also to imbibe scientific attitude in a learner, while also acquiring skills of scientific processes. Students are often advised to refer to the TN Board Class 12 Syllabus of Botany.
Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Botany Syllabus
Knowing the complete Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Botany practicals is the first step to getting an overview of all the topics and concepts covered in Class under the subject for the current academic year and preparing the study plan, accordingly.
Meanwhile, the practical experiments in Class 12 Botany include:
- Study of permanent slides
- Microscopic preparation of slides
- Study of preserved and fresh specimens
- Section, cutting and mounting
- Analysing the problem and solving it
- Physiological experiments, etc
From here students can download the TN board class 12 botany practical as well.
Download Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Botany Practical PDF
If the material suggested for a particular experiment is not available, a suitable alternative material may be used.
Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Botany Practical – List of Experiments
Apart from that, from here you can also gauge the marks allotment for practical examination for class 12 Botany.
Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Botany Practical Experiment Questions
Format of the Experiment Recorded In the Manual
The details and steps mentioned in the manual for the experiments will be in the below format as required:
- Aim
- Principle
- Requirements
- Procedure
- Observation
- Inference
For more detailed information about the experiments and to get an in-depth procedure, observation and result, students can access the pdf given here.
Stay tuned for more class 12 details and information about TN Board!