Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Chemistry Practical

One of the crucial subjects for class 12 students is Chemistry. And it is required for students to involve in practicals during Chemistry periods, as it will help them gain interest in the subject. Practical work or activities and projects at school boost scientific knowledge and understanding of students, as well as provide opportunities for them to work scientifically and develop hands-on skills. Here, for the convenience of the students to prepare more effectively for the board exams, we are providing the experiments and activities listed in the Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Chemistry Practicals.

To find more details about how we engage the TN Board Class 12 students, pay attention to the downloadable link given:

Download Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Chemistry Practical PDF

Find below the list of experiments with the observations, reasonings and inferences.

Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Chemistry Practical – List Of Experiments


S. No Experiment Observation Inference
Preliminary tests
1 Odour:

Note the odour of the organic


(i) Fish odour

(ii) Bitter almond odour

(iii) Phenolic odour

(iv) Pleasant fruity


(i) May be an amine

(ii) May be benzaldehyde

(iii) May be phenol

May be an ester

2 Test with litmus paper:

Touch the moist litmus paper

with an organic compound.

(i) Blue litmus turns red

(ii) Red litmus turns


(iii) No colour change is noted

(i) May be a carboxylic acid or phenol

(ii) May be an amine

(iii) Absence of carboxylic

acid, phenol and amine

3 Action with sodium bicarbonate:

Take 2 ml of saturated sodium

bi carbonate solution in a test

tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or a pinch of solid) of an organic compound to it.

(i) Brisk effervescence

(ii) No brisk


(i) Presence of a carboxylic acid.

(ii) Absence of a carboxylic acid.

4 Action with Borsche’s reagent:

Take a small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. Add 3 ml of Borsche’s reagent, 1 ml of Conc HCl to it, then warm the mixture gently and cool it.

Yellow or orange or red precipitate Presence of an aldehyde or ketone
5 Charring test:

Take a small amount of an

organic compound in a dry test

tube. Add 2 ml of conc H2SO4

to it, and heat the mixture.

Charring takes place with smell of burnt sugar Presence of carbohydrate
Tests for Aliphatic or Aromatic nature:
6 Ignition test:

Take small amount of the organic compound in a Nickel spatula and burn it in Bunsen flame.

(i) Burns with sooty


(ii) Burns with non

sooty flame

(i) Presence of an aromatic compound

(ii) Presence of an aliphatic compound

Tests for an unsaturation:
7 Test with bromine water:

Take small amount of the

organic compound in a test

tube add 2 ml of distilled water

to dissolve it. To this solution

add few drops of bromine water

and shake it well.

(i) Orange – yellow

colour of bromine water is decolourised

(ii) No decolourisation

takes place

(iii) Decolourisation

with formation of white precipitate.

(i) Substance is


(ii) Substance is saturated.

(iii) Presence of an aromatic

amine or phenol.

8 Test with KMnO4 solution:

Take small amount of the organic compound in a test tube add 2 ml of distilled water to dissolve it. To this solution add few drops of very dilute alkaline KmnO4 solution and shake it well.

(i) Pink colour of

KmnO4 solution is


(ii) No decolourisation

takes place

(i) Substance is


(ii) Substance is


Test For Phenol
9 Neutral FeCl3 test:

Take 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution is taken in a dry clean test tube. Add 2 or 3 drops (or a pinch of solid) of organic compound to it. If no colouration occurs add 3 or 4 drops of alcohol.

(i) Violet colouration is seen

(ii) violet – blue

colouration is seen

(iii) green colouration is seen

(i) Presence of phenol.

(ii) Presence of α–naphthol

(iii) Presence of β– naphthol

10 Esterification reaction:

Take 1 ml (or a pinch of solid)

of an organic compound in a clean test tube. Add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 4 to 5 drops of conc. sulphuric acid to it. Heat the reaction mixture strongly for about 5 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a beaker containing dil. Sodium carbonate solution and note the smell.

A Pleasant fruity odour is noted. Presence of carboxylic group.
Test for aldehydes
11 Tollen’s reagent test:

Take 2 ml of Tollen’s reagent in a clean dry test tube. Add 3-4 drops of an organic compound (or 0.2 g of solid) to it, and warm the mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes.

Shining silver mirror is formed. Presence of an aldehyde
12 Fehling’s test:

Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B are taken in a test tube. Add 4-5 drops of an organic compound (or 0.2g of solid) to it, and warm the mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes.

Red precipitate is formed. Presence of an aldehyde
Test for ketones
13 Legal’s test:

A small amount of the substance is taken in a test tube. 1 ml sodium nitro prusside solution is added. Then sodium hydroxide solution is added dropwise.

Red colouration. Presence of a ketone.
Test for an amine
14 Dye test:

Take A small amount of an organic substance in a clean test tube, add 2 ml of HCl to dissolve it. Add few crystals of NaNO2, and cool the mixture in an ice bath. Then add 2 ml of ice cold solution of β-naphthalene NaOH.

Scarlet red dye is


Presence of an aromatic primary amine
Test for diamide
15 Biuret test:

Take A small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. Heat strongly and then allow to cool. Dissolve the residue with 2 ml of water. To this solution Add 1 ml of

dilute copper sulphate solution and few drops of 10% NaOH solution drop by drop.

Violet colour appeared. presence of a diamide
Test for carbohydrates
16 Molisch’s test:

Take A small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. It is dissolved in 2 ml of water. Add 3-4 drops of alpha naphthol to it.Then add conc H2SO4 through the sides of test tube carefully.

Violet or purple ring is

formed at the junction of the two liquids.

Presence of carbohydrate
17 Osazone test:

Take A small amount of an organic compound in a test tube. Add 1 ml of phenyl hydrazine solution and heat the mixture for about 5 minutes on a boiling water bath.

Yellow crystals are


Presence of carbohydrate


The given organic compound contains /is

(i) Aromatic / aliphatic

(ii) Saturated / unsaturated

(iii) __________ functional group

List of Organic Compounds


Reasoning 1
Reasoning 2
Reasoning 3
Reasoning 4
Reasoning 5


Here, the list of experiments will also include details such as the Aim, Principle, Procedure, Calculation, Report and so on.

List of Experiments

1. Estimation of Ferrous Sulphate (Fe2+)

2. Estimation of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS)

3. Estimation of oxalic acid

4. Estimation of sodium hydroxide

5. Estimation of oxalic acid

For a more detailed information about the class 12 Chemistry practical, students can access the pdf from the article given above.

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