Effects Of Air Pollution On Plants

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The effects of air pollution on plants are often disastrous. When harmful particulates enter the air, pollution ensues. The following are instances of how vegetation gets negatively affected by pollutants in the air.

Effects of air pollution on plants

Effects of air pollution may severely affect plant growth and development


Ozone is beneficial for life on earth – it stops ultra-violet rays from passing through. Ozone is most beneficial when it is present in the stratosphere. On the troposphere, ozone can create a lot of health issues for humans such as breathing problems, congestion, throat irritation etc. For vegetation, ozone is thought to cause oxidative damage to cell membranes of the plant. This results in the loss of integrity and function of the plant cell membrane. This is thought to affect the process of photosynthesis.

Sulphur Dioxide

Plants get exposed to sulphur dioxide through acid rain. The immediate effects manifest themselves in the form of discolouration of the leaves. It is also known to inhibit photosynthesis by disrupting certain mechanisms required for photosynthesis. Furthermore, sulphur dioxide can affect the opening of the stomata, resulting in excessive loss of water. However, the effect of exposure to sulphur dioxide varies according to the plant species and the level of exposure.

Nitrogen Dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide is formed from the combustion of fossil fuels and emissions from refining petroleum. This gas is quite toxic to plants; in high quantities, it stunts plant growth. This gas, along with sulphur dioxide and ozone can wreak havoc on plant growth and development.

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Further Reading:

Frequently Asked Questions on Effects Of Air Pollution On Plants


What is the effect of tropospheric ozone on plants?

Ozone is thought to cause oxidative damage to the cell membranes of the plant. This results in the loss of integrity and function of the plant cell membrane. This is thought to affect the process of photosynthesis.


How is nitrogen dioxide released into the atmosphere?

Nitrogen dioxide is formed from the combustion of fossil fuels and emissions from refining petroleum.


Name some air pollutants.

Ozone, Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter are some of the air pollutants.

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